“Kinky slut.”

I laugh. “Cock whore.”

Her eyes close, and I finish cleaning her up, and by the time I’ve returned from the bathroom, she’s back under the covers. Only that’s not going to fly. No way am I leaving her after that, so I pull back the blanket and climb in behind her.

“I didn’t invite you to stay.”

I wrap my arm around her belly and yank her in tightly against me. “I’m not giving you the option.” I kiss her neck. “Go back to sleep, Georgie.”

I get a swift jab to the flank, and I hold her closer, kissing up her neck.

“This doesn’t change anything between us.”

“You’re wrong,” I say. “It changes everything between us.”

My breath stalls in my chest as the truth of that slams into me with the subtlety of a head-on collision. This wasn’t just a one-timer like it was in Vegas. She’s living in my house, and the notion that we’ll be able to stay away from each other after that is preposterous. But more than that, I don’t want to stay away from her.

Not anymore.

Not ever again.

You are deserving, Lenox Moore. Every bit as much as Zax was if not more. If you love Georgia, which I suspect you do since you look at her like she’s your universe, then don’t let that go simply because you didn’t do right by her once. Don’t stand in your own way when you can have everything.

I swallow, lick my lips, breathe in and out, and after a quiet few minutes of coming to grips with just what this means for myself, for my life, for her, I utter, “I want it to change everything between us.” Only she didn’t hear me because she’s already asleep. Fuck.

Chapter Nineteen

I wake much the same way I did after our night together in Vegas, with Lenox asleep behind me and the soft light of dawn hitting me through the window. Only now, I’m focused on three things. One, the rose on the bed beside my hand. Two, the rose that’s still in the vase since he never got the chance to swap it out last night. And three, the rose tattoo on Lenox’s left ring finger.

He must have done it himself this week, but when exactly, I’m not sure. I don’t know what to think about it. I don’t know what to think about him or the roses or any of it. He said this changes everything, but what does that even mean? Is that what I want? Do I want to go down this road again with him? Not really if I’m being honest, and yet yes, one hundred percent I do.

It’s the split between my body and my mind. My body craves him, and my mind remembers all he did to my heart.

He’s twisting me up, playing with things I haven’t given him permission to. Things that no longer belong to him and never should have. I’ve isolated myself this past week, especially from him.

On Tuesday, I handled the Monroe business. I am the official majority shareholder of Monroe Securities, and all of my father’s assets are now mine. But I didn’t pick up my phone when my mom called or even when Zax or Grey called. The only people I’ve spoken to are Fallon and Aurelia, because those bitches are persistent and wouldn’t allow me to shelter in place.

I wanted this week. A week of not a whole lot.

I went on hikes with Alice and explored every inch of Lenox’s house, with the exception of his cave. I’ve read and cried and worked out a lot of what I want my next steps to be.

It's been cathartic, and I’m grateful for having that time for myself.

But today I want to go into town. I want to check out the yoga studio, the coffee shop, and maybe the library. I’m afraid to try and navigate through the fence thing and the forest on my own, so I had planned to bite the bullet and ask Lenox if I could ride with him.

But now…

You’re wrong. It changes everything between us.

I pinch my eyes shut, listening to his deep, even breathing, feeling the heat and size of his body as he cocoons me. Lenox always held me like I was the most precious thing in the world to him when I slept. The comfort and tenderness were so cruelly misleading.

But… could he have changed? Could what he wants from me be different now?

Ugh. Shut up, Georgia! Don’t you dare start that shit again.

My eyes flash open, narrowing in on the rose tattoo, and I reach over, hovering my finger above it, only to be swooped around, somehow landing on top of Lenox. Planting my hands into his chest, I push myself up until I’m straddling him and peer down, not even caring that it’s bright as fuck in here and I’m completely naked and exposed to him. He cares, though. He cares a lot as I feel his cock thicken beneath my ass while his dark, smoldering eyes rake in every inch of me.

I fold my arms, partially covering my breasts. “Care to explain that?” I raise an eyebrow and pointedly zip my gaze down at his left hand that’s inching up my thigh.