I spin around, searching the room, and find Lenox casually observing me while leaning against the wall that separates the front part of the shop from the back. “These are Suzie’s photographs.” It’s not a question, but he nods all the same. For some reason, that immediately makes me choke up, and I turn back to the one of Zax, twisting her engagement ring around my finger.

I wish I could hug her one last time. Suzie gave the best hugs. She hugged you the way a grandmother hugs—unapologetically and free of any embarrassment. I wonder if the passage of time makes it easier for Lenox to take a breath or if he misses her more because he’s gone longer without her. She’d laugh at this. At me being married to him. She knew all about my girlish crush on him.

“She helped me bake you cookies once,” I say, recalling the memory as a tear tracks down my cheek that turns into a wet laugh. “I was twelve, definitely too old for a babysitter, and we were getting ready to move to LA because my mother had just gotten me my first role in a film. I was heartbroken. I didn’t want to leave. So Suzie helped me bake your favorite cookies?—”

“Chocolate chip with peanut butter cups in them.”

I nod. “Yeah. They came out good.”

“They did. So good in fact, Suzie ate half of them.”

I smile, wiping my face and blowing out a breath. “I never knew that, but it sounds like her, so I’m not surprised.” I turn away from the picture and skip over to the long counter that has the same distressed wood as the floors, and drop my hands down on it. “I love this place. It’s very cool. It makes me want to get a piercing.”

Brooklynn’s dark eyes light up. “It does?! I can do that. What are you thinking about?”

I laugh lightly and shrug. “I don’t know. My nose?” I scrunch it. “I’ve always sorta wanted a nose ring.”

“We should go,” Lenox says, and both Brooklynn and I throw him a death glare.

“Let me pierce your wife’s nose. She’ll look cute with it.”

I put my hands on my hips. “Yeah, Lenox. I’ll look cute with it.”

He grunts and then walks to the back, leaving me here with Brooklynn. We hear the door to the back slam, and I assume he’s taking Alice for a walk.

“Are you serious? Because I’ll happily do it, but it does sting like a bitch.”

“Pfft.” I wave her away. “I can take it.”

“Okay. Pick a stud, not a hoop, from the case over here.” She points to a rotating, clear case and then heads to the back. “I’m in room one. I need to get set up, so meet me back there.”

Oh shit. I’m doing this. A thrill of nerves skates through me, and I quickly pick out a small white gold diamond stud from the case, keeping it in the box and walking it back. Brooklynn is sterilizing the entire room, setting out prepackaged items on a metal rolling tray.

“Now I know how my patients feel,” I quip.

“I think this will hurt less than having a baby, though.”

“Epidurals work wonders, and so does hypnobirthing.”

“You’ll have to talk me through that. Hypnobirthing, I mean. I sorta want a natural childbirth, but the doctors at the hospital keep giving me funny looks every time I mention it. Have a seat.” She points a gloved finger at the pleather bench. “Feet in the stirrups and bring your butt down to the end of the table.”

“That’s a good one. How did you know I was a midwife?” I ask as I sit in the center of the table facing her, my legs scissoring back and forth.

She shrugs. “I looked you up. I mean, I’d heard of you,” she says as she continues to get everything ready, taking the nose ring from me. “I’ve even seen some of your movies. But you married a guy I would have sworn would never get married. I’ve been working for Lenox for four years. I likely know him better than anyone else in town, but I don’t even know his middle name, if you know what I’m saying.”

“It’s Drexler.”

She smirks without looking at me. “You have no idea how happy I am that he married you. Even if there is more going on than I care to know about.”

“Isn’t that always the case with Lenox? I feel like that should be his middle name instead of Drexler. More going on than I care to know about.”

She laughs. “So true. Alright. I’m ready if you are.”

My stomach sinks. “Um.”

Her eyes meet mine. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet.”

“You’re very cheeky, Brooklynn. And while I am brave and can definitely handle some pain, I’m scared I’ll flinch or something when the needle comes near my face.” Just then we hear the back door open and close, and I sigh in relief. “Lenox!” I call out, not even ashamed of what I’m about to do. I hear him make a disgruntled noise, and then Alice comes in quickly, followed by Lenox. His blue eyes meet mine expectantly. “Can you hold my hand? I’m a piercing virgin.”