My eyebrows pinch together. “Rebels Field?”

“Asher is playing on Sunday Night Football.”

I shake my head, still not understanding.

“Sunday Night Football is a nationally televised game.”

“Lenox, once again, I’m asking if you can just spit it all out at once instead of spoon-feeding it to me in pieces.”

He drags his gaze away from his phone, finally giving me his attention as we start to pull away from Logan Airport. “It means we’re going to be in the luxury booth together as a couple, along with your cousins and their significant others. Cameras will train in on us, and we’ll be on national television looking happy and in love.”

“Didn’t we already do that this morning on the High Roller?”

“Yes, but this is with my best friends and former bandmates, as well as your cousins. It’s showing family approval and us at a public event together—not some stolen surveillance camera. And since Ezra and Alfie have hired an attorney and investigator to look into the validity of our marriage as well as into my person, this will go a long way.”

I groan, my head falling back against the leather seat. “They hired a freaking lawyer and a PI?”


“That’s so lame. Why are they doing this? It’s not like they’re getting the shares or that I’m going to marry Ezra after and give them the shares if they disprove the validity of our marriage. Like… grow up and get over it already.”

“I don’t think that’s their plan.”

“Fabulous.” I turn to him. “What about you? They’re investigating you?”

He’s not the least bit ruffled. “They won’t get anything on me other than I own a tattoo shop, a house in Cambridge, and an apartment in Maine, which is already public knowledge.”

“I didn’t know you had an apartment in Maine.”

“It’s my technical residence, though it’s used for little more than storage. Neither my house nor the land and properties I own are searchable.”

I’d question that, but why bother? This is Lenox we’re talking about.

“I ruined your privacy.”

He smirks at me. “Did you think I wasn’t aware that was going to happen when I said yes to this?”

“It doesn’t seem right. I’m asking so much of you, and you get nothing out of this.”

Because truth? This marriage will only work if I continue to hate him. If I remember all the ways he hurt me and how if I let myself go even just a little, he’d do it again. Likely worse this time. But what Lenox did for me—what he’s doing for me—feels like a life raft, giving me back my safety and freedom.

And he wouldn’t take anything in return. Who does that?

I should have insisted on something. Made it transactional.

His eyes hold mine for a long beat before returning to his phone. “I already told you; you have nothing I want.”

“Is it just for Zax and Grey?”

He’s silent for a moment and then quietly says, “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them.”

But that doesn’t feel like the whole truth, or at least not the entire answer. It feels like there’s more he’s not saying, but my still slightly foggy brain can’t keep up with it, and dissecting Lenox’s layers takes a lot of brain power. He’s a computer with an impenetrable firewall, and I’m still a midwife with no discernible computer knowledge beyond sending emails and navigating the internet.

Hacking Lenox is beyond my skill set and knowledge base.

I decide it’s better if I don’t know and just take what he’s doing for me and simply be grateful that there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Zax and Grey because there isn’t anything Zax and Grey wouldn’t do for me. I need to stop quasi-apologizing and feeling bad. It’s a chronic problem of mine, but he just said he knew what he was getting into when he said yes, and he did it anyway. He’s a grown-ass man, capable of making his own decisions.

“When this is all done, can I buy you a new motorcycle because I’m assuming you don’t need one of my kidneys?”