“Thank you for marrying me. Ironically, your reasons for doing so have been far more honest and altruistic than his.” A sigh. “He’s really been having me watched?”


“That filthy, slimy motherfucker. I can’t tell you how invaded I feel right now. Does his father know?”

“About that? I’m not sure, but it doesn’t seem that way.”

“What do I do other than sever his balls from his body before shoving them down his throat until he chokes to death on them?”

“Actually, I don’t want you to do anything of the sort.”

“What?” she gasps in outrage, sitting up straight and twisting on me.

“He knows you’re married now, and he’ll turn more desperate than he already was and potentially try to come after you. Whether he’s able to find blackmail material on you or not, that likely won’t stop him from creating something to try and use against you or come after the validity of our marriage. Will you trust me enough to allow me to handle it, knowing I will never let him get away with any of that and that I intend to punish him greatly?”

“Punish him greatly. Do I want to know what that entails?”

I shake my head. No one wants to see the ruthless side of me. No one wants to know what happens to them if they hurt one of my people, and Georgia is one of my people. Whether that’s because she’s an extension of Zax and Grey or because she’s now mine, it doesn’t matter.

“So I’m supposed to go up there and see him and not break every bone in his body until he cries like a little bitch?”

I smirk. “Yes.”

“Christ, Lenox. That’s a lot of trust I’m putting in you, and a lot of trust you’re putting in me.”

“You can handle it.”

She turns, her eyes grazing over mine momentarily. “You may look like Thor, but I’m thinking you’re more like Batman. Dual identity, growly disposition, and all.”

“Hit the button, Georgie.”

A jab from her elbow to my flank makes me oomph. “You need to stop with the Georgie stuff. It’s a new rule in the State of Georgia. That nickname is forbidden. But what button are we speaking of?”

“This one.” I tap the white rectangle that’s been flashing for the last few minutes since she sat down.

“Max bet?”

“Is there any other way?”

She smacks the button, making the wheels spin, and we lose. “Well, that sucks. I was expecting megabucks.”

A grin tickles my lips, and I pound my fist down one last time on the button. The wheels spin once more, and then the first one stops on the bright gold Megabucks symbol. Then the second one. Then the third.

“HOLY FUCK! You just won!” Georgia leaps off the chair as the machine goes absolutely berserk. Bells and sirens and flashing lights. We’ve immediately drawn a crowd, but then Georgia grips my hand and points to the digital winnings tally at the top and how it’s climbing, climbing from hundreds to thousands to hundreds of thousands all the way up to millions. “LENOX, YOU JUST WON TEN MILLION DOLLARS!”

Shit. For real?

How unfortunately ironic.

How very public this is.

I sigh and stand. People are taking pictures of us and of the machine. Georgia is holding my arm, shaking it like the thing is not attached to my body. The old lady who snapped at me that this was her machine is about to steal the oxygen tank belonging to the man beside her and bludgeon me to death with it.

Security, as well as a man in a suit with a red tie come flying over to us, pushing the crowd back and making a makeshift perimeter around us. “Congratulations on hitting the megabucks.” The suited man shakes my hand, and then Georgia’s. “I am Gerald, the casino manager. We have alerted our in-house technician of the winning spin, and they will come and perform a check on the machine to make sure this is a legitimate win. Would you like to come with me in the meantime? Have a drink or something to eat. On us, of course.”

No. Not even a little.

We’ll make the news over this. I just know it. People will recognize Georgia, and though I’m not so recognizable now, I do still have a name people know thanks to my days in Central Square and then Suzie’s and my father’s deaths.