And when the plane is high in the air and that dinging noise sounds, I pull back, releasing her and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Only it does nothing to dispel the taste of her or the way my cock loved every second of that.

She’s still staring at me with those wide emerald eyes, visibly unsure what to think about what I just did or how to react. Good. Let her mind get spun up in that the way mine is instead of all her panic. I give myself a second to get my shit back together and remember my mission and why I’m here.

“You bit me.”

“Are you still panicking?”

She thinks about that for a minute. “No. But you bit me.”

“You’re welcome,” I say, my voice cold and unaffected. “Now, tell me about this wedding you’re forcing me into.”

Chapter Five

Excuse me, flight attendant? I believe the cabin has lost air pressure, and I now require an oxygen mask. And I thought I was short of breath before. Jesus Harold Christ… Lenox just chewed on my lips. Never has a man done that to me, and it’s not something I would have thought I’d find as erotic as I did, but wow, it was hot.

I’m fully aware of why he did it, and that’s not helping my mindset either.

He’s here with me on the plane, flying to Las Vegas to marry me at no personal gain, and then he just spent the last twenty minutes talking to me—something he hates doing—about nonsense like diamond rings and where we’re getting married in Vegas, when I doubt he gives two shits about either. And when I was still losing my mind, he bit me to snap me out of it.

It was a move only he would do, but boy was it everything I needed at that moment. It short-circuited my brain. Turned it from rapid fire to stun. It’s funny, or maybe not so much, but I never gave flying a second thought until my father’s plane went missing. I don’t know what happened to my father’s plane, but the special investigators couldn’t say either way.

Foul play has neither been confirmed nor eliminated as a possibility. All they know is that it exploded, and not enough of the plane was recovered to know what caused it.

But after what Lenox just did, how on earth am I supposed to get through the rest of this week when all I can think about now is Lenox nibbling on my mouth? And would that feel as good if he tried it on a different set of lips?

The flight attendants come around, delivering warm nuts and a dish of marinated olives, and Lenox takes it upon himself to order me a whiskey and Diet Coke. I don’t argue it. I can use it, frankly.

Especially as I say, “Do you think we should draw up a contract?”

Now that my panic has abated, Lenox has all but zoned me out, doing God only knows what on his laptop. He’s wearing glasses and typing about a thousand words a minute, and whenever I try to coyly look at his screen, none of it makes sense. For one, it’s not like any laptop or home screen I’ve ever seen before.

For another, everything he’s typing immediately encrypts on the screen into binary code.

“What is that?”

His head twists in my direction, and his blue eyes pierce straight into mine. His only response is to raise a do you actually expect me to answer that eyebrow.

I shrug, taking a sip of my drink. “It doesn’t look like any computer I’ve ever seen before is all.”

“That’s because it’s not. I built it.”

I shouldn’t have asked. His genius brain always turned me on, and after the lip-biting, I need to remember all the ways I hate him and not all the ways he can still get me hot with a simple look.

“And the glasses?” Because I hate to admit how sexy he looks in them. Damn sexy nerd.

“Blue light.”

Makes sense. I clear my throat, speaking in a low tone since we’re on the plane—with many ears close by—but I want this settled before we reach the hotel and our suite because shortly after that, it’s wedding time.

“I sent you the prenup this morning. We’re allowed to e-sign it per my attorney if you’re comfortable with all the language in it and don’t require any amendments.”

“I don’t. I already signed it and sent it back to your attorney.”


He sighs, not happy at all to be here, and that’s what worries me. There is nothing in this for him. He could pull out at any second. “What sort of contract are you looking for beyond that?”

“I don’t even know,” I tell him honestly. “Last night you said you have rules, and I feel like we should discuss those. Hash them out. I definitely have boundaries we both have to stick to.”