He has to be high if he thinks I’m going to let any of this fly. Or maybe he is, and he’s freaking delusional about this.

“Tell him, okay,” Lenox whispers in my ear. “Tell him you’ll do anything he wants.”

I make a displeased noise at that and grit out, “Fine, Ezra. You’re right. I can’t let you hurt my people. I’ll do what you want.”

I catch him out of the corner of my eye as he sits back in the center seat, seemingly mollified by that. Only I have no intention of doing this the easy way, and I already know Lenox isn’t going to like that.

Chapter Thirty

Nerves skitter over my skin, making the hairs on my arms stand up and my pulse thrum like a jackrabbit. I make a right and sigh out, almost as if I’m bored with all of this. “We’re close. What’s your plan when we get there?” Obviously, I’m asking both men, but I want to know what Lenox wants me to do.

It’s not every day you have your ex in the backseat of your car pointing a gun at you. It’s honestly the most awesome of coincidences and timing that I have my AirPod in my ear with my husband on the line, and my hair covers it completely from view. One can only hope that will save the day—or night in this case—and that Batman will once again thwart the enemy.

But why does a woman always have to rely on a hero to save her?

“I’m calling the police now. I didn’t want to risk them showing up just as you did or being here when you arrived and having Ezra freak out and react. I’m waiting on the side of my garage. I want you to keep him outside, Georgia. I don’t want him in the house. He’ll be easier to disarm and take down if he’s outside. I’ll surprise him from behind.”

Lenox says this at the exact same time Ezra says, “We’re going to go inside and have a nice chat with your fake husband before you and I take off for the airport.”

I laugh. It’s strangled and not based in any form of humor. “Why would you say he’s fake?” That’s actually the least of my curiosities. Does he think this will actually be a chat where Lenox is like, sure, cool, here’s some money and you can take my wife, no problem. Oh, and the Monroe jet? Of course, let me just get Zax on the line,, and he’ll clear that for you Jiffy Pop.

Gun or no gun, that’s not how this will go down.

“Because you can’t love him!” Ezra screams. Not just shouts but screams, making me jolt in my seat, and his flip from somewhat calm to that is jarring and has me sitting up a little straighter in my seat and checking the rearview for where that gun is pointed. I can’t see it, which I’ll take to mean it’s not pointed at my head currently.

Ezra is unhinged and unpredictable, and more than just having a gun, him in this state is what makes him so dangerous. He wants me as much as he wants the money. He’s made that much clear. Otherwise, he’d just cut me loose, take the money, and run. If he’s jealous of Lenox, if he believes for a second that I truly love him, he’ll kill him. In fact, knowing Ezra as I do, that’s exactly what he’s going to do anyway.

Lenox is a paper trail. An uncertainty. A potential challenge for him.

A point that will be proven when Lenox naturally tries to protect me. It’ll be his instinct because that’s Lenox for you, and he won’t know all the ways it will drive Ezra past the point of his current madness. It will undoubtedly set Ezra off, and he’ll kill Lenox, and then… then I don’t know. Perhaps he’ll kidnap me, or the cops will show up in the nick of time, but it’ll be too late for Lenox.

Of that, I’m positive.

Either way, I have to do something before either man gets to each other.

Determination swarms through my blood like a pack of killer bees all banding together in a blood-thirsty tribe. My adrenaline has found a new purpose, and instead of making me jittery and panicked, it’s making me sharp and purposeful.

I pull into Lenox’s driveway, all the way to the two-car detached garage in the back, all the while scanning for my guy without seeing him. He hides well, though that shouldn’t shock me. He always has.

Clicking the button for the garage door, I slow my breathing as I pull in and shut off the car.

“Now what?” I ask Ezra, afraid to act without instruction.

“Now get out and stay beside me.”

“I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” I tell him, my voice smooth even as I gracefully pull the earbud, from my ear, essentially ending my call with Lenox. I set it down on my seat where Ezra can’t see since it’s nothing but darkness in the car right now.

“Then you better follow my instructions.”

“But how do I know you won’t hurt me? Say I go away with you, what assurance do I have that you won’t kill me the way you killed my father?”

“I’d never hurt you, Georgia,” he growls adamantly, fiercely. “I love you.”

“Okay then. I’ll do what you say. If you promise me that.” I bat my eyelashes like a sweet little thing to him in the rearview, not even sure if he can see the gesture, but he can hear it in my voice.

Unbuckling my seat belt, I open the door with a soft click. I don’t know where Lenox is, and right now, with me ending the call, I’ve turned us blind. Still, I don’t want Lenox to come charging, and if he doesn’t know what’s going on, it might make him hold back for a few extra seconds.

The moment I shut the door, Ezra’s hand is on my forearm. The other hand with the gun is raised but not aimed at me, and I take that lapse in judgment and run with it. I twist in front of him and kick at his left hand. The spikes lining the edge of my boots stab into his skin, and never in my life have I been more grateful for the weird design genius of these boots that are lined in spikes. Ezra howls in pain, releasing me and clutching his now-bleeding wrist, and with that, the gun immediately drops from his hand, clanking on the cement floor of the garage.