Ameline: Did Cee tell you what he’s doing with his life? I mean if he quit Dad is going to disown him—or something like that.

Gabe: He’s going into dentistry.

Ameline: Eww, teeth.

Gabe: What’s wrong with teeth?

Ameline: Can you imagine spending your entire life looking inside people’s mouths?

Gabe: I wouldn’t enjoy it, but it’s a novel profession. We all need dentists. That’s exactly why I’m going to become a doctor, to help.

Ameline: Have you decided your specialty?

Gabe: Don’t start questioning that . . . again. There’s a lot I have to learn before I make an informed decision.

Ameline: Fine, but you can’t be on my case when I don’t have any direction about my life.

Gabe: You’re only nineteen, you’ll be fine.

Ameline: Well this nineteen-year-old is heading to work. See you around.

Gabe: Take care of yourself.

Chapter Twenty-One

Ameline: I finally talked to Cedric. He decided becoming a doctor wasn’t for him and the only options Dad gave him were law school or dentistry.

Gabe: I was expecting more like a Happy Thanksgiving text, but tell me more about Cedric.

Ameline: Happy Thanksgiving! So I was just talking to him about his change of heart. This semester he’s been working at a dental office, and he starts school early next year. How’s turkey day treating you?

Gabe: It’s busy. Grandpa’s side of the family is here. Hosting two hundred people is a lot.

Ameline: Have fun and send pictures of the famous pond.

Gabe: I will. When are you coming back to Seattle?

Ameline: Tomorrow, I have work to do. Izzy is helping me get out of this by saying we’re heading to Seattle to buy Christmas presents.

Gabe: You’re going to have to buy presents.

Ameline: That’s what online shopping is all about. Anyhow, Happy Thanksgiving from here all the way to Deckerland. x

Chapter Twenty-Two

Ameline: Merry Christmas!

Gabe: You’re up early.

Ameline: We’re in New York so it’s not that early. Are you still sleeping?

Gabe: No, I was waiting a little longer before messaging you. I didn’t want to wake you up. How’s the Christmas vacation going?

Ameline: It’s decent, I can’t complain. Izzy has been able to balance things between museums and all the shopping Helen wants to get done. We gave Helen an all day spa gift so tomorrow she’ll be gone and the four of us will be able to enjoy the day.

Gabe: Smart.

Ameline: What are your plans?