Gabe: Oh, I didn’t know that was an option.
Ameline: I’m playing with the possibilities.
Gabe: We have four years to figure that out, unless . . . you tell him you want to add a second or third major and buy yourself an extra year.
Ameline: Why would I want to do that to myself?
Gabe: I just said it, it’ll buy you another year. You can tell him that it’ll help you become a corporate lawyer.
Ameline: I’m pretty suspicious about you. You’re dubiously smart, Gabe Decker.
Gabe: :shrug: emoji
Ameline: All those stories I heard from your sister are now making sense. So, you stole a car when you were thirteen?
Gabe: Borrowed. We wanted to get the latest video game, and no one wanted to take us. It seemed like a great idea until my uncle caught us halfway to Seattle.
Ameline: What else did you do?
Gabe: I prefer not to continue this conversation. Though my grandfathers say that our middle name is Karma. Dad and Uncle Matt are paying for everything they did while growing up.
Ameline: That’s your dad’s twin, right?
Gabe: My father is actually a triplet. Aunt Ainsley is the other one. She was really the evil mastermind, but my grandparents don’t even acknowledge that.
Ameline: Ha, so she’s the smartest and they get to pay for it.
Gabe: Exactly.
Ameline: So it’s only the quads who wreak havoc in the Decker family?
Gabe: Nope, they like to say we were the worst, but the younger ones are pretty destructive too.
Gabe: Let’s forget about my family and focus on you.
Ameline: Me? Everything is totally fine. Dad’s happy with my decision. He decided that I should live in a studio apartment instead of a dorm. He’s going to convince the dean that it’s part of my accommodations.
Gabe: What accommodations?
Ameline: I’m a light sleeper and some other medical issues he’s having my doctor make up, so I don’t have to be in party central—as Helen stated when she tried to convince him that I should commute every freaking day. I’m not happy that they’re using this, though. I’ll be isolated from people, and it might make it harder to make friends. Though, at least I’ll be away from Helen, you know?
Gabe: I’m glad that your father didn’t listen to her.
Ameline: Izzy and Cedric gave me a hand this time. It’s good to know that they still have my back.
Gabe: They love you. You’re their little sister.
Ameline: My therapist said exactly the same. But sometimes when they ignore me, I feel like they don’t give two shits about me. Ever since Cedric broke up with Jamie he’s been so detached.
Gabe: It really messed him up. I barely see him and when I do it’s just to change clothes before he goes to hook up with someone else.
Ameline: I think he really loved her.
Gabe: Sometimes love isn’t enough.
Ameline: It should be, you know.
Gabe: Hey, I hate to run but I have to go to my parents’ place.