Page 4 of A Forest Witch

There was a heaviness in my chest that I never quite felt before. I didn’t know what I’d done in this life to deserve this treatment but that useless organ inside my chest that pumped blood and beat out a rhythm had had enough. What was the gods damn point?

Pain and punishment?

Who wanted to live for that?

I felt the thin slices the knife made on my middle and then again on the other side of my stomach. I screamed behind the gag and the sound came out muffled and ragged.

I choked out a sob as I felt the tip press to the front of my thigh and slice down through the meaty flesh.

I screamed and the sound came out a choking sob from around the gag. Still, I screamed until my vocal chords were raw and bloody.

They kept making slices into my body.

I kept screaming.

Blood poured down my body, leaking out of me, and dripped into the dirt at my feet.

The ground immediately soaked it up as if it had been dying of thirst. I guessed in a way that it had been. Though, I didn't know what good my blood would do it.

My arms were sliced open next.

Silent tears tracked down my cheeks. I wanted to be ashamed of myself for crying them but at this point I felt too numb to really feel much of anything.

My mind was attempting to escape the horrible pain my body was currently stuck in.

They started chanting words my mind was too far gone to make out.

I wished an awful death on them all. I mean, I got it, no one wanted to starve or freeze to death, but that had not one thing to do with me. And I even got that I was different from everyone else, therefore the easiest person to place blame on in this terrible situation.

But I wasn’t to blame, and none of this was my fault.

Once again I was being harmed in this place for having the audacity to have been born different.

I was a misfit among the Forest Witches and they’d never let me forget it.

I closed my eyes and wished for things I shouldn’t.

I wished I had been born to real parents. People who had loved me, maybe even loved each other if I’d been lucky enough.

I wished I had a real home and didn’t grow up a Forest Witch.

I wished I had more than one outfit.

I wished I had a real coven to call my own.

That last one hurt the most to think about. I’d never find my true coven stuck out here in the woods with these people.

And now I was probably going to die out here, naked and tied to a tree as some fucked up sacrifice because the earth had been too used up and refused to grow anything else. All because of the markings on my face, or so they had said. The liars.

I closed my eyes when my vision began to blur and my head started swimming. Keeping my eyes open wasn’t doing me any good. I swore I saw dark shadows moving amongst the trees.

Maybe they were the creatures of the forest I’d heard so many stories about, and they were finally coming to claim me.

I hoped so.

Anything had to be better than this.