Page 28 of A Forest Witch

Especially after seeing the condition of where she’d actually lived before we rescued her.

I invited these women here because I trusted them and if they had made our potential female uncomfortable then I would have no one else to blame but myself and I would have a hard time forgiving myself for this one.

“Where’s the forest witch at?” Rain rumbled out before anyone else had a chance to speak.

Both women looked back over the couch at us. Neither of them seemed surprised to see our arrival. The tv was loud and I knew none of us had made any noise when we’d entered the house through the garage. The house had a lot of magic sunk into it and the lack of noise was by design.

Rain was out of his fucking mind though if he thought he could walk into my house and demand to see the girl. He also wasn’t going to just interrogate her because he was pissed off about what we’d walked into in the woods.

We were all raw and emotional because of it.

“Dad.” Ariel stood up and the blanket she’d had covering her lap fell to her feet at the floor. “What’s wrong?”

“Finn,” Isobel whispered. “Why do you look like that? Come here, baby.”

She held her arms open and Finn immediately ran to her. He dropped to his knees in front of the couch and buried his face in her protruding belly.

“Oh, my sweet boy,” she crooned as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Whatever it is it’ll be okay. I promise. We can get through anything just so long as we’re together.”

This was a touching moment and all and I was happy for them, but they weren’t my priority at the moment. And I really didn’t know Finn enough to care about what his damage was at the moment.

I had to find Autumn and tell her all of her people were dead.

Finn and his emotions could wait.

“Ariel,” I called out gruffly and her wild green eyes swung my way. “Where’s my witch at?”

My men had nothing to say to that.

Fuck it, I was claiming her until she told me she wanted to be somewhere else with another coven.

Rain made an angry noise in the back of his throat but fuck him too. I didn’t care about what he thought either.

Ariel searched my face and her eyes softened. “She went outside hours ago to explore the greenhouse. We let her go alone because she told us she wanted to be by herself. I thought it was only fair to let her be because she deserves that. We haven’t checked on her or anything, but we talked to her before she went out there and she didn’t act like she’d been afraid of us or anything. We were very welcoming to her, Raven. I promise you that.”

I believed her and my shoulders relaxed a little bit. Ariel might be wild and she did whatever the fuck she wanted but she was good people and she’d always root for the underdog when it came to female witches. Or just witches in general.

“That was hours ago though, Raven. Like, a lot of them. She spent the whole night out there. I’d probably go and check on her if I were you.”

I blinked at her.

Did she just say spent the whole night out there?

What the fuck.

There was giving the girl space and there was common sense.

“I’ll go get her,” Rain offered oh so helpfully.

“Dad!” Ariel hissed.

I growled under my breath. And I wasn’t the only one in my coven who did.

“Rain, really,” Romero said in exasperation. “You’re not helping anything by being an asshole right now. Let them look after the girl while we take care of our boy. He needs us right now. Your hero complex can wait until later. Come on.”

I blinked. Romero wasn’t really known for being a levelheaded person. None of them were, but I hadn’t expected him to be the voice of reason out of n the bunch.

Romero grabbed Rain by the arm and dragged him around the couch. He pushed the man down on the couch beside Isobel and sat down as well, sandwiching Rain between them.