Oh boy.

It hit me like a slap in the face.

Rain wasn’t doing this. Rain wasn’t instigating this.

This was all Trenton and Simon’s doing. This was their way of standing up for me.

My heart warmed at their show of support on my behalf. But it wasn’t necessary. I was used to being judged when it came to a lot. Being judged for my relationships was new but it was something I’d get used to.

Bitches were just jealous and I couldn’t really blame them. I would be too.

“That’s not going to happen,” Rain casually threw out there. “This is my shop, you’ve insulted my woman, so you’re no longer welcome in it. Get the fuck out.”

My mouth twitched with the need to smile. I loved being called his woman. It never got old.

“Your… your woman?” one of them sputtered.

“Yup,” Rain drawled as he cocked an arrogant eyebrow at her. “Mine. You got an issue with that?”

“But… but…” the other one sputtered. “She just kissed two other men right in front of you!”

A giggle escaped me. I covered my mouth with my hand as everyone turned to stare at me.

“Thank goodness it’s just the three of us and you for now, precious. Finn alone is almost more than Romero and I can handle.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Finn grumbled under his breath as he shot Rain his middle finger.

I giggled again. I couldn’t help myself, my men were funny.

“Let's go, Susan. This place is a loony bin and they aren’t even that good. We’ll get them finished somewhere else and be better off for it.”

From behind my hand, I snorted. That was total bullshit. Trenton and Simon might have been new to this but they were both naturals and did superb work.

Some even claimed they had a magical touch.

Both girls jumped down from the tables with their hair flying all around them. They grabbed their purses and rushed out of the shop. I didn’t laugh at them this time, but both Finn and Romero did.

My men could be assholes but these girls both deserved it.

It wasn’t my fault they’d been kicked out, but I wasn’t surprised when they both shot me lethal looks over their shoulders on their way out the door that might have intimidated a lesser woman. I simply gave them both double birds, because I was mature like that.

Romero walked to the door and flipped the sign hanging there from open to closed.

Hmm… this hadn’t been penciled into the calendar when I’d checked it this morning.

I didn’t engage in any funny business while at work. I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable and Toby and Baylie were too young to be accidentally walking in on something like that.

Work was for work and home was for playing. That didn’t stop any of them from trying though. They thought it was a fun game to try and get me out of my clothes. And those fuckers played dirty.

“What are you two up to?” I asked them curiously. I didn’t believe for a second they’d showed up just to say hello. They were always up to something. I knew better.

“Alright, guys.” Trenton called out. “We’re going to clean up our stations now that the trash is gone. Give us about fifteen minutes and then we’ll be ready. Figure out who’s going first and who’s going where.”

I was so confused.

“Um, guys? What’s going on?” I asked the room at large.

I did not like it when they kept secrets from me. They weren’t supposed to do that.