I threw my head back and cried out as I came hard around his cock.

“Fucking beautiful,” he moaned breathily as his hips shifted one last time and he remained rooted deep inside me as he came. “You’re mine now. Always and forever.”

“Always, Finn,” I whispered as I pressed my lips to his in a kiss to seal my promise.

I felt something shift inside me around my heart, where Finn would always remain.

Forever and always.

He was mine and I was his.


It Was Magic


I had spent the morning with my coven going over plans for our future. I was on board with everything they’d come up with and I was truly touched that they’d put so much thought and care into my feelings.

I got to keep my new life and what was left of my old one. They had made sure I would get the best of both worlds.

And it felt fucking amazing to be able to give my people a safe haven. One they had already began to pour their magic into to make even safer for all of us.

I didn’t have the heart to tell them that the only reason it hadn’t been safe in the first place had been because my family, like so many others, had been taken in by the corrupt people who were meant to guide us in this life and watch over us.

They didn’t ask questions so maybe they didn’t need me to tell them. If there was one thing the members of my coven would understand it was how to step around the landmines of someone else’s trauma because trauma was all they’d known themselves for so long.

I could feel it in my bones that things were changing for us for the better. It was all coming together for our coven and it was about damn time.

Who knew chasing after Rain and looking desperate for so long would finally pay off and I’d get everything that I wanted in the end.

The gods were certainly smiling down on me finally. I had paid my dues and it was my time to shine.

I tipped my head back and lifted my face up towards the sunshine. I wanted to soak up as much of it as I could while I was out here.

The sky made a loud, angry noise as lightning flashed across the clouds. I started up at the sky as rain started pouring down on to me. It was really coming down hard all of a sudden.

The sun still shined down brightly as fat raindrops hit my face. My tears of relief and joy mixed with the rain as I began to laugh hysterically.

It was the release I needed and it felt good.

My mother always said that a good rain could wash away all of our sorrows. Right now she was speaking to me the only way that she could. I heard her loud and clear. Boy, did I hear her.

The gods were finally smiling down upon me instead of constantly shitting on me for once. I was going to suck up every inch of joy that I possibly could, for I did not know how long it would last.

Maybe I was finally blessed and it would last forever. I had hope. And hope was everything.

“Look, beautiful,” Finn called out. I looked over my shoulder and followed where his finger was pointing up at the sky.

A beautiful rainbow split across the sky over the trees in the forest.

As the rain landed on the dead yard everything started changing. My breath caught in my throat as the brown, dead grass started to turn green all around me. It wasn’t just the grass changing either.

All of the trees sprouted green, healthy leaves. The dead flower beds bloomed with bright, beautiful flowers. The rain breathed life back into every dead thing in sight.

Everywhere I turned, looking around me, where I once saw nothing but death and overgrown weeds, now looked healthy and vibrant with new life and extreme beauty

“What is this?” Romero whispered in shocked awe.