I believed him. But, “The lights are all still on.”

At my words the overhead light flickered out and stayed out. The fire in the fireplace burned brighter and a lamp in the corner flickered to life.

“Fuckin’ crazy house,” Rain muttered under his breath.

If he said anymore I didn’t hear him.

I fell asleep.

And I did it feeling completely and utterly safe for the first time in my whole life.

He wasn’t in bed beside me when I woke up in the morning but the cushions were still warm beside me.

He’d stayed with me all night.


Dance In Your Darkness


Waking up in my family home felt a lot like a dream. I knew I wasn’t dreaming when I found Finn sleeping in a nest of couch cushions and a soft pile of blankets.

I left him sleeping there because he looked far too peaceful to wake up.

Noises from the kitchen drew my attention but I knew it was only Rain and Romero. I knew from the bags in the living room and the house wouldn’t have let anyone in who didn’t have an invitation from me.

That and I knew Romero had slept on the rug next to me all night, holding me tightly in his arms.

I found them both in the kitchen, sitting at the island with mugs of coffee on the counter in front of them. They stopped talking the moment I stepped into the room.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Romero greeted me. “How did you sleep?”

“Shouldn't you already know since you slept next to me all night?”

Rain laughed. “You look better. Finally like yourself again. No more demons haunting your eyes.”

I just smiled at him as I made my way over to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup. Yesterday morning I probably would have taken offense to this but I was too happy to argue with anyone today.

“I see you two are making yourselves right at home,” I remarked as I sipped at my coffee.

“What’s yours is ours and vice versa, sweetheart.” Rain also sipped from his coffee before sitting his mug back down on to the counter. “That’s how life in a coven works.”

He was right, of course he was. It was something I had always struggled with because I felt like all they did was give while I took because I had nothing myself to offer a coven outside of a headache. It felt good to contribute something for once that had nothing to do with the constant burdens that seemed to run my life.

Made me feel less of a loser.

“You want pancakes and bacon for breakfast?” Romero asked, thankfully changing the subject.

I nodded eagerly. “I’m starving.” And I was. Finn and I had skipped dinner last night and the booze hadn’t helped anything either. I needed to soak some of it up and a shower also sounded like a brilliant idea to me right about now.

“I’m going to shower. I’ll eat breakfast after.”

“Everything you need should be in the blue backpack in the living room. Take it with you.”

“Thanks Rain.”

Of course he’d packed a bag for me. Rain was one of the most thoughtful people I had ever known. He always looked out for those that he cared about. He was really very sweet, not that most people would know it.