I thought I hid it well but Rain looked at me like he could see into the very depth of my soul. He knew what this meant to me. Rain always knew. And it had not one fucking thing to do with magic. It was all about Rain being wise.

I yawned and Rain’s eyes dropped down to my mouth.

“Time for bed,” he said as he stood up. He grabbed my hand and gently tugged me up to my feet. “Rome, you ready to sleep yet?”

Romero’s eyes dropped down to where Rain was still holding my hand. “Yeah, I think it’s definitely time for bed.”

Rain didn’t let my hand go the entire way back to the living room and the way Romero kept giving us little looks was starting to make me itch under my skin.

Romero pulled a pillow off the couch and dropped it down onto the floor beside where Isobel was still sleeping on the rug. He kicked off his boots and stripped off his shirt before laying down on the rug beside our girl. He tucked the pillow under his head and rolled over onto his side. He wrapped himself around Isobel and shoved his face into her neck.

There wasn’t room for anyone else to sleep down there on the rug with them.

I hated not being by her side but they looked peaceful together and I knew she was in good hands.

Looked like we were all sleeping on the floor in here. There were plenty of bedrooms but I wasn’t about to go find one and leave her here just so I could sleep in a bed for the night.

Rain handed me one of the backpacks and I took it from him. I unzipped it and peeked inside. There were a bunch of clothes inside that I was beginning to recognize as my own. Every time I looked in my drawers or the closet in my bedroom at Romero’s house there were always brand new clothes in there waiting for me. I had more clothes now than I had ever owned in my whole entire life.

Like with Romero buying me clothes and Rain making sure there was a bag packed for me, they always took care of everyone in their life. I was so grateful to finally be a part of it.

Being here with them was the first time in my life that I didn’t have to fend for myself.

“I’m not always a good person,” I blurted out. “I’ve done… things before. Things I’m not proud of.”

“Get changed, Finn. Unless you’re planning on sleeping in that.”

I looked at Rain skeptically. “Did you hear me? I said—”

He cut me off. “Quiet. Isobel is sleeping and Romero is working on it. We’ve all done shit we’re not proud of, myself included. And I can guarantee you my list is a lot longer and dirtier than yours ever will be. I don’t give a shit what you’ve done. Romero doesn’t give a shit. Isobel likes to make rash and questionable choices at the best of times. She doesn’t give a fuck about what you’ve done. All that matters from here on out is that you ride for your family and we’re your family now. Now, can you get ready for bed on your own or do you need me to dress you?”

Jesus fucking christ.

“I can get dressed by myself, thank you very much.” I told him numbly.

Could it really be that easy? Rain wasn’t a liar, so for now I chose to believe him. I hoped he was for real. Only time would tell but I absolutely did not want to get my heart broken by this man.

I kicked off my shoes and stripped off my shirt and pants. I stood there in my boxers while I dug through the bag Rain had given me. I pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and slid them on. I didn’t put a shirt on because I was just going to sleep and there were only a couple in the bag, I didn’t know how long we were going to be here for and I didn’t want to waste one by sweating in it.

I folded my dirty clothes and piled them up neatly on the floor, placing the backpack on top of the stack.

When I turned around my eyebrows about hit my hairline. Rain had been busy while I’d been digging through the clothes he brought me and changing. Rain had made a bed on the floor out of couch cushions and he covered it with blankets he’d gotten from somewhere and placed a healthy stack of toss pillows at the head of it.

The thing that really surprised me? That it was big enough for two people.

“Lay down, Finn. I’m going to do a walkthrough of the house and make sure everything is locked up. I’ll be back after. Try to sleep.” And with that he walked out of the room and left me there staring after him.

I almost called out after him to tell him his cause was likely a wasteful use of his time. The house gave off a vibe that it would lock up after itself and nothing or no one it didn’t want in was getting in.

Then again, I didn’t know the details because Isobel didn’t talk about it ever. But her entire family had been murdered here. So maybe Rain was right to double check things and my ass was straight up dumb for ever trusting a fucking house I didn’t actually know jack shit about in the first place.

I laid down on the bed Rain had made and pulled the blankets over myself, covering up and getting comfortable. I appreciated that he’d set it up so that we could see both the couple on the rug and the doorway to the room.

I thought I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep right away but I was wrong. I just have misjudged how tired I was mixed with the booze I had consumed.

One minute I was watching Romero and Isobel and the next thing I knew I was woken up when a body pressed into mine. My eyes slid open when Rain wrapped his arm around my middle and tucked his head in close to mine.

“Go back to sleep, Finn. I’ll keep us all safe. I promise.”