“I’m jealous. You grew up in a beautiful place that’s got magic leaking out of its bones. Not all of us were that lucky.”

I wasn’t always lucky to have grown up in this house. I could point out to him where my mother forced me to hide when my family was brutally murdered and taken from me. But I didn’t share that because here was my opening shot and I wasn’t about to waste it.

“What kind of place did you grow up in, Finn?”

He sucked in a deep breath as he attempted to strangle the life out of my hand. “I grew up in a place so different from this one it isn’t even funny. I grew up in the woods with a bunch of backwoods witches so out of touch with reality they’re practically living in a different world. It was a harsh way of living, the people were incredibly cruel, and I ran away and have been on my own since I was old enough to get the fuck out of there.”

I turned wide eyes on him and stared at him in shock. “You grew up in the woods?” I whispered in shock. I had never heard of the witches he was talking about that lived in the forest like that. I bet Rain would know what he was talking about though.

“Yeah,” he muttered, sounding uncomfortable. “With the Forest Witches. That was a long time ago though and it’s not important right now. We’re here and that’s what matters. Take me on a tour and show me where you grew up. Please.”

It was the please that did it for me and I took his words as the plea they were and dropped it. For now. But Finn was crazy if he thought I was going to leave this alone for good now that he’d opened up a little bit to me.

I was curious about these Forest Witches and I really wanted to know more. And I wanted to know everything there was to know about my boy Finn.

For now I did as he asked and I showed him around the home I had grown up in.

As I did I could tell he fell in love with the place just as much as I did.

After the tour we found ourselves in one of the downstairs living rooms. This one had been my father’s favorite room in the house and he’d spent most of his evenings in here with a glass of whiskey in hand while he sat in his chair in front of the fireplace.

It had always been one of my favorite rooms in the house and as a little girl I would lay on the thick rug on the floor in front of the fire with a book open in front of me. I had always enjoyed the peace and quiet with my dad.

Like the rest of the house, this room hadn’t changed in the slightest.

I moved to the rug and slowly sank down onto the center of it. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. There were logs in the fireplace, just waiting for me. I flicked my fingers towards the logs and immediately a fire blazed to life.

Finn went to one of the side tables and picked up a glass decanter full of whiskey and two heavy crystal glasses. He carried his goodies over to where I sat on the rug and he sat down beside me. He stretched his legs out in front of him and flexed his sock covered toes in front of the fire. I hadn’t even noticed when he’d taken his boots off but he sure was getting comfortable here.

I kicked off my own shoes and toed them off to the side of the rug.

Finn sat the booze and the glasses down on the rug between us. He picked up the booze, uncapped it, and poured each glass up to half full. I reached out and traced my finger around the rim of each glass. The inside of the glasses frosted up and Finn muttered “nice” under his breath.

I did the same thing with the whiskey container and the whole thing frosted on the inside of the glass.

Finn handed me one of the glasses and I didn’t hesitate to put it to my lips and drain the sucker dry. I handed the glass back to Finn and he refilled it without comment.

“I’m gonna get drunk tonight, Finn.” I warned him.

He laughed as he clanked his glass with mine. “Tonight, beautiful, I’m gonna get drunk with you. I think we deserve it.”

He was absolutely right.

And we proceeded to do exactly what we said we were going to do. We got fucking wasted.

And we had a damn good time doing it.

There were no ghosts to be seen.


We Have A Problem


It was late. I was rocking it with a nice buzz but I wasn’t drunk. Isobel had gotten hammered and I didn’t allow myself to go there because I wanted to be able to keep an eye on her and things in case she lost her shit.

But she’d surprised me and she’d kept it together. She had been surprisingly happy and in a really good mood. I had rarely seen her so happy before.