And they had homes already and people in their lives that they couldn’t just up and move hours away from. In Rain’s case he had a business he owned and ran (when I wasn’t running the show for him, that is). And, if I was being honest, I didn’t really want to leave all those people and things behind. I’d built my life there too. I wasn’t so ready to leave any of it behind.

But now that I had this back I was afraid that I wouldn’t ever be able to walk away from it again. And I hadn’t even gone inside yet.

It was about time I got to doing just that.

It didn’t seem right to do this with just Finn though. There were more people in our relationship than just the two of us.

I turned to Finn and found him already watching me closely. “Call them. Let them know where we are and how to get here. They’re welcome to join us. Let them know we’re probably staying the night, if the inside of the house is in good enough condition to stay here. If not, I’m sure there’s a hotel or a motel around here. Somewhere that we can stay the night at.”

Finn nodded that he got me and I reached for the door handle. Before I could open my door Finn leaned across the center console and grabbed my hand, stopping me.

I turned towards him and raised an eyebrow in question. He didn’t make me wait before he answered me.

“You’re doing the right thing by letting them know. I think they’d be hurt if we left them out of this. I’m gonna call Romero, but I don’t want you to go inside without me. I’m not trying to smother you or anything, I swear. I just think we’ve all been through too much and we need to stick together and not walk into an unknown situation right now, not alone. Do you think you can do that for me?”

I nodded, leaned in and pressed my lips to his in a quick kiss. There wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for Finn, all he needed to do was ask.

“Thanks, beautiful.” he murmured softly as I pulled away from him and opened my door.

I climbed down out of the SUV and closed the door gently behind me because I could already hear Finn talking on the phone with who I assumed was Romero.

I was glad Finn had asked me to wait for him because I probably would have gone in by myself and I really needed him there by my side to hold my hand.

The ghosts in this place just might wreck me if I let them.

With Finn by my side I knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t let anyone or anything touch me. Not even the ghosts that resided in my head.

I stood at the bottom of the front steps and stared up at the house while I waited for Finn to come to me. He didn’t make me wait long.

Finn slipped his fingers through mine and together we walked up the stairs hand in hand.

When we reached the front door Finn reached out to grab the door handle. The door didn’t budge and Finn looked at me, waiting for instruction.

I raised my freehand and pressed my palm flat against the door, right below the door knocker. I closed my eyes and reached out with my magic. The magic of the house recognized mine and I felt it brush against my skin in the sweetest of caresses. It was a welcome home.

I opened my eyes in time to see the door swing open.

I turned to Finn and squeezed his hand. He smiled at me softly in reassurance.

“You ready for this?” He asked.

I was. With him by my side I was readier than I’d ever be.

“Let’s do this.” I blew out one last heavy breath, squared my shoulders, and stepped over the threshold.

I pulled Finn in with me.

The door shut behind us on it’s own and all the lights in the house flickered to life.

Finn cursed softly under his breath as we came face to face with where I grew up and my childhood home.

I fought back tears as I took everything in. It was just as I had remembered it. There wasn’t a speck of dust to be seen. I had forgotten about that, all the magic in the house, that had been poured into the earth over the years by my ancestors. It kept everything just how it needed to be.

Finn walked slowly by my side as we strolled through the rooms on the main level, checking everything out.

“You grew up here?” he asked me quietly.

I nodded in response, too choked up by my emotions to speak.