“You were fucking made for me, Rome. Don’t you ever forget who you belong to.”
How could I forget with his still hard cock in my ass and his come filling me up.
“Holy fuck,” came a horrified whisper from the doorway.
I whipped my head in that direction and, to my absolute horror, there stood Quinton, Ariel, and, lastly, my son. They were all staring at Rain and I in a mixture of shock and horror.
And amusement in Quinton’s case, the absolute prick.
“Dad?” Dash choked out.
“Dad?” Ariel screeched like a dying seagull.
“We’ll just wait outside until you two are done here.” Quinton laughed outright as he dragged Ariel and Dash out of the doorway.
“But, what are we going to tell Isobel?” I heard Ariel mutter.
Quinton laughed again and it was all I heard outside of the sound of my own beating heart.
“We’re fucked,” I muttered.
This time it was Rain who laughed. “No, baby but you just were. I’d fuck you again but there’s no time, the children are waiting for us.”
I wanted to fucking kill him.
It Was Time To Go Home
“Where are we going, beautiful?” Finn asked from his spot in the passenger seat of my SUV.
This was the first time he’d asked any questions and I had been driving for well over an hour now.
I loved how much Finn trusted me and always went along with whatever I wanted. Like giving me my car keys when no one else would even entertain the thought and kept them hidden from me.
Where everyone else treated me like a fragile piece of glass that would splinter and break at any second Finn treated me like he always did. Like I was just the Isobel he’d been infatuated with from the start and was down for whatever I wanted.
I loved Finn, that became clearer to me by the day, and there was no doubt in my mind that he was my best friend in the whole world.
When we’d originally gotten into my SUV I had no destination in mind. I had just needed to get out of the house and away from the suffocating feeling of everyone constantly walking on eggshells around me.
I knew Finn had been left alone with me because the others had trusted him to babysit me and keep me in check. It sent a thrill through me when he didn’t ask any questions or even leave a note for the others but just came along for the ride. I knew we’d both have our phones blowing up when they got home and found the place empty but for now the small sense of freedom Finn was allowing me to have was exactly what I needed.
Finn always knew what I needed and being the selfless man that he was he never hesitated to give it to me.
Because Finn loved me as much as I loved him, if not more. We didn’t need to exchange words. Finn and I had a bond between us that no words would ever be enough to even explain or express the depth of what we shared between us.
Even though I hadn’t known where we were going when this ride had started I certainly knew where I was headed now.
I didn’t want to tell him.
Finn would understand. There was no doubt about that in my mind. He might have kept his cards close to his chest with wherever he’d come from and I respected that. I’d never ask him any questions and I’d wait until he was ready to talk about it. And if that time never came I'd have to be okay with that.
After about half an hour in the car I realized where I was driving to and I had completely shut down. Finn had immediately sensed the change in me and he’d been quiet and reserved ever since. Until now when he’d finally broken the silence to ask me where we were going.
I did not want to answer him. But I wasn’t about to do that to Finn. I didn’t want to leave him to walk into something blind where there was a chance that this situation might emotionally wreck me.