“Sometimes it’s easy to forget that you’ve probably suffered through worse than the rest of us. And we’ve all been through some serious bullshit. Everyone keeps telling me that things are settling down for us and that I just need to relax and enjoy it. I haven’t been a believer thus far and I still don’t want to trust it. Maybe it’s time I did though. Maybe the floor is finally done falling out from beneath us and we can just live for a little while in peace.

“I’ll never fully let go, I’m not that person. I’ve been trained since birth to do my job and it’s one I’ve perfected. But I can relax enough to give us some time to figure everything out, like our living situation. And we will figure it out, Romero, so that we’re all happy. No matter where we end up I don’t care just so long as we’re all together. In the end, that’s the only thing that matters.”

I blinked and I was shocked to realize I was blinking back tears. I thought my well of tears had run dry a great many years ago.

I blinked a few more times to clear my vision and make sure I didn’t embarrass myself in front of this incredibly strong, beautiful man. Except for with Finn. That had been downright shameful.

A man that I was coming to realize I loved a great deal.

Holy hell.

I loved Rain Kimber. I didn’t just love him but I was in love with him.

And I was in love with Isobel as well.

I wasn’t in love with Finn quite yet, but I certainly was infatuated with him and I knew love would come in time.

Christ, I’d let him wrap his sweet lips around my cock and it’d been like dying and finding out there really was a heaven at the end of the tunnel after all this time.

Yes, love would certainly come with time for me and that one. And if he kept playing with my dick it wouldn’t take me very long to get there.

Shit, I told Rain most things, there was always a great deal of honesty between the two of us. But there was no way I could express my undying devotion and love to the man. That was a level of vulnerability I wasn’t quite ready to open myself up a subject to.

Rain cleared his throat awkwardly. “Do you want help with the laundry?”

Jesus, could this day get any fucking weirder? Now Rain was offering to help me fold my underwear?

“Don’t you have a tattoo shop to run or young impressionable witches to boss around?”

“I don’t run the shop, Isobel does. And even when she’s not there she still somehow manages to keep shit under control. And nothing is more important to me than our family. You need me right now, so my place is here with you. Whatever damage the young witches cause while I’m here I’m sure I can undo when I get back to those particular babysitting duties.”

That was the perfect answer and made my whole body feel lighter than it had in a long time.

“The great Rain Kimber, in my kitchen and wanting to fold my laundry.” I fake gasped and pressed my hand to my chest in mock outrage. “You dirty pervert. You probably just want to sniff my drawers.”

“I'll show you dirty pervert.” he growled as he lunged at me from across the table.

My coffee cup slipped from my hands and tumbled down to the floor. It cracked but didn’t break and the brown, bitter liquid spilled out in a puddle across my tiles.

Rain crashed into me full on and tackled me to the floor. My chair tipped backward and splintered under our combined body weight. Rain cradled the back of my head so it didn’t smack against the tile and crack just like my coffee mug had and it was his hand that got crushed between my head and the tile. It likely didn’t feel very good but Rain didn’t even blink and if he was in pain he did not show it.

I wasn’t in pain. I was more in shock that the fucker had actually tackled me and was attempting to destroy my kitchen.

“What the fuck was that, Rain?” I grunted as I put my hands in his shoulders and tried to shove him off of me. He barely even budged, the asshole.

“You should know better than to mess with me, Rome.” He laughed in my face and once again I stared at him like I had never met him before in my life.

Who the fuck was this man?

“Get off of me,” I grunted as I bucked my hips and pushed at his shoulders one more time. Of course, he hardly moved.

If he were anyone else and pinned me down like this I’d be panicking and my magic would probably already come out to play to save me. But, because it was Rain, my magic didn’t even consider making an appearance.

I was safe with Rain, no matter what. His dominance act (though, it was likely the real deal and not an actual act) didn’t frighten me in the slightest. It sent my heart racing for an entirely different reason that wasn’t entirely unexpected with having Rain's body weight on top of mine.

My dick started to get hard just thinking about him being on top of me. Having the real deal was blowing my mind.
