I didn’t know why I was so mad at him. I had never cared about him just coming into my house before. He was always welcome here and no one ever really knocked anymore. I think it had a lot to do with people being used to this being Dash’s house and I think he had an open door policy when he lived here.

It used to drive me completely fucking insane because I thought I enjoyed my privacy but then I realized it’s just what family did when they gave a shit about each other. It felt awesome to finally be a part of something that wasn’t completely toxic and horrible. My family now was everything I could have ever wanted and so much more.

Rain was a huge part of that family and I really needed to stop having such a pity party for myself. Things could always be worse. I could be locked behind bars again and chained up like a fucking animal.

So I didn’t get to spend every waking second with the people I loved. That was nothing to pout about and eventually we’d figure our relationships out.

In the meantime, perhaps it was time for me to get a job or something and figure out why it was that I wanted to be doing with my life when I wasn’t spending time with my coven and loved ones.

Rain pulled out the chair across the table from me and gracefully folded his lanky body down into it. He smirked cockily at me. “Aren’t you going to offer me a cup of coffee, Rome?”

“If you want coffee you can get it your own damn self. What are you doing here, Rain?”

I should have expected someone to follow me, especially this one. He fancied himself responsible for everyone and every little thing. We had been holed up together at his house and he was so aware of everything that happened he probably knew the second I walked out the door of his cabin.

Honestly, I’d be surprised if he didn’t have my ass magically chipped or something.

“I don’t like that you went off on your own without saying anything. I know everyone thinks things are just great now and there are no more threats against us but it doesn’t pay to be either careless or stupid. I think we should all know better than that. You shouldn’t be alone right now. And I certainly don’t want Isobel to be on her own either. Ever. Finn’s not going to listen to anyone and he’s going to do whatever he wants, maybe you can stick with him. Ya know, keep an eye on the kid.”

“You’re paranoid.” okay, so maybe he wasn’t exactly paranoid and I should stop being a dick to him for no good reason.

If anyone knew how smart it was to be careful it was definitely me. I’d already had too much of my life taken away from me. Now that I’d found my true coven I didn’t want to run the risk of losing any part of it.

“What are you doing here, Romero?”

I frowned at him. What the fuck kind of question was that? I lived here, where else would I be?

“This is my home, Rain. Isobel is back safe and I know she’s not a hundred percent yet but eventually, with enough time, she’ll get there. We have to get back to our lives and actually start to live again. She’s not going to put up with us hovering over her for forever, and I can’t say that I’ll blame her when she snaps. Right now we’re doing her no favors so I figured I’d get back to living so that maybe she could do the same.”

The problem was I had no life to really get back to living. What was my purpose here? Folding laundry like some fucking domestic housewife?

Was that the life I really wanted for myself?

No, I thought not.

Rain had his tattoo shop and all the time he dedicated to babysitting his daughter’s coven.

Isobel ran his shop for him and she also attempted to coparent Baxter with him. And now she’d semi adopted some of the fucked up orphan kids.

I had no idea what the fuck Finn did with his time, when he wasn’t stalking Isobe,l but I was sure it was certainly interesting, to say the least.

That left me with what?

Absolutely nothing to fulfill my days. I had no purpose to my life and I didn’t know what to fill my days with.

Everyone needed a purpose, otherwise what the fuck was the point to getting out of bed every single day?

I didn’t want to explain any of that to Rain because I didn’t need him thinking I was the weak link in our relationship or in our coven.

“No, Rome, we need to be thinking bigger picture here. I know not all covens live together and some of them actually think it’s smart to stay separated for safety measures. But I think we’re going to be a whole lot safer if we stick together. So we really need to be thinking about where we are going to be living eventually because I want us all to live together. And Isobel and I both come with Baxter, so you and Finn need to get on board with living with a kid because he’s non negotiable.”

My lips parted in surprise and I just sat there frozen as I stared at him. That had not been what I was expecting to come out of his mouth.

Rain was always surprising me and I couldn’t believe this was something that I hadn’t actually thought about before.

I didn’t really want to leave my home here. Which might have seemed bizarre to most people because this place didn’t exactly hold the best memories for me and, originally, it hadn’t actually been mine but was a place I’d been forced into living. I didn’t have any other place to call my home. There was my family home that I had grown up in but that was a place I had vowed a very long time ago that I would never return to.

Before, this place had never actually felt like a real home to me. It had been a place I was forced to be but Dash had been here and even as a small child he’d always been my touchstone and with him was always where I had considered my real home to be.