A shift had occurred amongst my coven members and I knew my daughter and her brood felt the change. From the almost rabid look in my daughter’s eyes I knew she had no intention of leaving until she got an explanation out of me.

An explanation I had no intention of ever giving her.

I knew she had sex. She was married, for fuck’s sake. But that did not mean I ever wanted to talk about such a thing with her.

What, was I supposed to sit her down and tell her that I fucked Isobel and I couldn’t wait to fuck Romero and Finn next? Now things were different and we were all going to be one great big happy family?

Nope. I was pretty sure my baby girl didn’t need to know about all the gory details. She was a bight girl, she’d figure it out on her own, eventually.

Not only had her coven invaded my backyard but they’d scooped up all of the boys that lived in what had once been Marcus Cole’s house.

They’d (the adults) brought food and booze with them. All without asking, I might add. Now we were having a cookout in my fucking backyard of all places.

Damien was manning the grill. Which would have terrified me if his partner Julian wasn’t right there by his side watching over his shoulder and supervising. That fucking kid might have had good looks going for him but I still wasn’t convinced there was much else there. And the other one wasn’t much better either.

Quilts and lawn chairs that didn’t belong to me had been spread out throughout the yard. The people were scattered everywhere in small clusters.

Finn and Romero were cuddled up on a blanket. They looked fucking adorable together and even if Rome hadn’t already told me about what had gone down in the garage between them I would have been able to tell they’d taken their relationship to the next level.

I more than surprised to find out I held no jealousy toward Finn whatsoever. I was happy for them and couldn’t wait to experience them both for myself.

I think that’s how I knew for sure that Finn meant a great deal to me. Because I wasn’t jealous but happy for him.

Dash watched the two of them with a critical look that bordered on slightly psychotic. I had a feeling he was going to be a nightmare for all of us. He treated his father like a child and sometimes I worried he’d lock him away so no more harm could come to my man if he thought he could get away with it.

Isobel was on the back deck. She wasn’t even attempting to hide the fact that she was getting stoned. I wanted to lecture her about her need for a crutch, but after everything she’d recently been through I left her be. Tyson sat in the chair beside her and both Toby and Baylie leaned against the railing in front of her.

Toby and Baylie were too young to be exposed to her ways but I knew it was no use, they’d never leave her side.

Frankly, I didn’t understand it. One day she’d despised the both of them and the next they’d both simply adored her. It was fucking odd to say the least, but Isobel had a strange way about her that drew people in. But, you almost had to dislike her first for it to work.

Charm could be such a funny thing.

“She’s gonna be okay, ya know.”

I put my beer bottle to my lips and downed the last of it so I didn’t have to answer Quinton right away.

“She’s stronger than she looks, that’s for damn sure. What she did today took guts. She’ll be better off for it. You all will. I know it’s not my place to say it, but I’m happy for you guys, man. I’m happy for all of you. Took you long enough to get your head out of your ass.”

I loved the kid. Really, I did. That wasn’t going to stop me from beating the shit out of him if he didn’t shut his mouth.

I gave him a look that would have a normal man pissing himself. Quinton just smirked at me.

I wasn’t surprised.

“Relax, Rain. Life is finally all good. Eat a fucking hot dog or something and just enjoy being with our family.”

He clapped me on the back and strutted off. In my daughter’s direction, of course. The lovesick bastard could never stand to be too far away from her, ever.

I got myself another beer from a cooler and parked my ass in a lawn chair.

I did not get myself a fucking hot dog.

But I did look around at all the people enjoying themselves in my backyard.

Could life really, finally, be all good?

I didn’t trust it because I was smarter than that. I had learned the hard way that nothing good ever really lasted. But things had changed for me after finding my daughter and I had fought hard for every shred of happiness I’d earned after that.