“I don’t trust him and I don’t think he should be here around you. It’s not right.”

For once, Ariel and I were both entirely in agreement on something. But what the hell did she think she could do about it?

Honestly, the bitch was far crazier than I was. I didn’t understand why I was the only one to get a bad rep for it.

“Dad said no one is allowed to touch him besides you.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

Okay, Rain was the crazy train around here. He had Ariel and I both beat, hands down.

The man’s eyes open and latched right onto me.

“You,” he slurred drunkenly. “You filthy little bitch. You’re going to pay for this.”

I clutched at my chest as I stumbled backwards in fear. I tripped over my own feet and landed hard on my ass in the dirt. A strong hand wrapped around my bicep and I was jerked back up to my feet.

I shrugged Trenton’s grip off and snapped, “Don’t fucking touch me.”

It’s not that I couldn’t use the help, obviously I was a train wreck and could use all the help I could get, but I absolutely did not want to be touched with that man’s eyes all over my body.

As long as he was here the threat would always be looming over my head.

I wasn’t safe here with him.

Nowhere would ever be safe for me so long as he was breathing.

I was going to be sick.

I ran the back of a shaking hand across my mouth as I gagged and choked back bile.

All the while his piercing eyes burned into mine with a hatred I could not even begin to understand why it was directed toward me in the first place.

Well, I hated him right back.

And I deserved to be safe.

Maybe Rain had the right idea here. I just didn’t know if I’d be able to look myself in the eyes in the mirror ever again. Then again, what the fuck did I care when I already couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, so it wasn’t like that would change.

“I’ll be back,” I whispered to no one in particular but didn’t take my eyes off of the man who’s name I still did not know. The words held a promise that I hoped he understood because he was who I was coming back for.

I turned around and headed toward the door. “You’ll keep this between us, yes, Ariel?”

She chuckled gleefully. “Fuck yeah, girl. It’s good to see your crazy has finally come back to play. The boys won’t know what hit ‘em.”

“Fuck this.”

“We’re dead men walking, brother.”

“Agreed. They’re both going to ruin our lives.”

“Crazy bitches. The both of them.”

Ariel straight out laughed. “Shut up and quit pretending like you don’t love every second of it. Things were starting to get boring. Look at her spicing shit up again.”

I got the fuck out of there because they were right about one thing for sure. Ariel Kimber was bat shit crazy.

And I had a feeling they were also correct with me being right there with her and I was bat shit crazy too.