Romero lived in hell.

And Isobel spent too much time with her nightmares.

Then there was me.

We were all broken and danced in the darkness from time to time. We belonged together.

“It’ll be okay, Romero,” I promised him. “As long as we’re all together and we stick that way we’re going to be just fine.”

He didn’t know it yet but I didn’t make promises I couldn’t keep.

No matter what I had to do to make our coven work I’d do it. Thankfully I had Rain on my side and if anyone could make sure I didn’t break my promise it’d be him.


I Deserved To Be Safe


I’d gone out back by myself to get stoned and watch the sun rise before everyone else woke up for the day.

I got stoned but the whole time my eyes didn’t once stray from the garage.

There must have been some sick part of me that was drawn to all the horribleness in my life because I once again found myself walking across the yard,

It was cold inside the garage and I fancied it smelled of evil because of the man it currently housed. In reality it probably only smelled of mold and dirt.

The only part of him that moved was the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. Both of his arms, though tied to the chair, hung down limply and just looked wrong. His legs, also tied to the chair, were bent and broken looking at the ankles.

Standing this close to him had my stomach churning with sickness.

The man was pure filth and downright evil.

Just what in the fuck did Rain and Quinton expect me to do with him?

Slay a demon, my ass.

“He shouldn’t be here. I don’t know what dad had been thinking.”

Ariel’s voice came from a far, dark corner of the garage, and it scared the absolute shit out of me. I jumped and whirled around.

She stood with her back against the wall and her arms crossed over her chest. Trenton stood on one side of her with Simon on the other.

I had been so focused on my tormentor that I hadn’t even noticed they were in here with me.

You would think that with everything I’d gone through I would be more aware of my surroundings instead of being oblivious.

When would I ever learn?

I cleared my throat and looked back at the man who still hadn’t moved. I didn’t trust being in the same room as him without keeping him in my sight. He was the threat in the room and you never turned your back on a threat.

“What are you doing out here, Ariel?” I asked in a throaty voice that I knew gave away my fear.

As far as I’d been told the entire Alexander coven and crew had returned to their respectable homes last night. Since I needed my space I hadn’t been sad to see them go.

I was surprised to find Ariel out here because I’d assumed her men would have her home under lock and key.

Where was Quinton? Was he lurking in some dark corner too, just waiting to pop out and scare the shit out of me as well? Now him I would understand because he’d been in on bringing this man here with Rain. I still had no idea what role Finn had played in the whole thing and I wasn’t so sure I really wanted to know.