I closed my eyes and tilted my face up toward the water, letting it wash over me.

I kept my mouth shut. I was mad at myself too.

“You scared the shit out of all of us, Isobel.” His voice was thick with emotion. “You’re the glue that holds us all together. Without you we are nothing. We have nothing. There’s no coven without you, precious. Don't dangle something we’ve all never dared to dream about just to put yourself in danger and potentially take it all away from us. That’s selfish and unfair. And I’ll not allow you to do it again. Do you hear me?”

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter to block out the tears his words were bringing on.

Had I been selfish? I hadn’t thought of it like that. I could understand why he’d think that, but I didn’t think it was selfish to want to find closure for myself.

“Rain.” My voice cracked and the tears I’d been struggling to hold off finally started to slide down my cheeks.

He grabbed hold of my chin and tilted my head to the side.

I opened my eyes to find his roaming all over my face. They were burning with an emotion I couldn’t quite decipher before his mouth crashed down on mine.

He kissed me like a starving man. There was nothing sweet or loving about it.

It was a kiss meant to consume me and we both fed off of each other.

I had wanted intimacy so badly and for so long with Rain that I didn’t want to tell him to stop, but I could also feel another man’s hands slide through the slick wetness on my body as they fondled my breasts.

I turned my face away, breaking the kiss. I couldn’t bear to look at him right now.

I felt like an utter failure and a disappointment.

What the fuck was wrong with me? I was finally getting the things that I always wanted but I was too fucked up to actually enjoy them.

I clenched my fists at my sides and the water heated up to the point where I knew it’d burn my skin if I didn’t get out from under the spray. I hadn’t lost control of my magic like this since I was a young girl.

How embarrassing to be doing this in front of Rain right now. He was one of the strongest witches I’d ever met in my whole life and I couldn’t imagine him ever losing control of his magic unless it was intentional.

“No, no, no, precious. You don’t get to hide from me anymore. Cry if you need to. Scream if it makes you feel better. Get it out however way you need to, just don’t let it fester inside and eat you alive. You’ve been doing that for far too long and I’ve sat back and allowed it against my better judgment. Well, no more. You faced it on your own or we all face it together as a coven. Those are your only options.”

The water immediately cooled.

I hated that Rain always saw right through me. And I hated how fucking bossy he could be.

But, goddamn, did he just say as a coven together?

Now I wanted to cry for an entirely different reason. I really, really wanted that. But I wasn’t so sure I could handle it at the moment.

My emotions were far too raw and no way was I anywhere near done with hiding. Which I wasn’t going to be allowed to do because Rain clearly wasn’t going to let me hide from anything. Because he was an absolute control freak and sometimes an absolute dick to boot.

“Let me get you cleaned up. Then we can get you in some pretty pink pajamas and back in bed. I’ll stay with you and watch over you while Finn’s dream catcher chases away any nightmares that might come your way.”

If he didn’t stop soon I’d never stop crying. Rain had been the only one to take care of me since my parents had been murdered and he’d held himself back even doing that. Then Finn had come along and he’d been doing nothing but taking care of me ever since.

There was a part of me that always craved it from Rain though.

He turned me around and moved me out of the spray from the water. I knew Rain could be a gentle man because he’d shown me glimpses of it and I’d seen how he was with his daughter always. But I saw a whole new side to him as he carefully washed and conditioned my hair and scrubbed every inch of my body clean.

As his hands moved over my breasts he slowly washed away the touch of that horrible man. There was no one in the shower besides Rain and myself, bad memories ceased to exist.

Rain finished gently scrubbing my body and shut the water off. I just stood there and let him take care of me. It’s what he seemed to want from me anyway.

He stepped out of the shower and came back with a huge pink towel. He wrapped the towel around my shaking body and lifted me up into his arms, bridal style.

Without bothering to wrap a towel around himself he carried me out of the bathroom completely butt ass naked. Thankfully, there was no one lurking around in the hallway to see him because that might have traumatized his daughter and her family.