They all whipped around at the sound of my voice.

“What are you doing out of bed, precious?” Rain asked in a gentle voice as he moved toward me.

I stepped back and he stopped moving. I didn’t want to be touched in front of my tormenter. The thought alone made my skin crawl.

“What’s he doing here, Rain?” I asked, and I was proud at how strong my voice came out.

I thought for sure that he’d be dead by now. Rain had killed for Ariel. Why hadn’t he done so for me? I thought for sure that he would have.

Why did this hurt so much?

“He’s here because, rightfully, he’s yours.” Quinton said as he stepped forward out of the shadows he’d been half hidden in. “In order to stop the nightmares you need to slay your demons. We’ve got one of yours sitting right here.”




I wasn’t high enough for this bullshit.

I walked right back out because my nightmares weren’t anyone else’s business and I had no idea how to slay a demon.


There’s No Coven Without You


No one would tell me where my car keys were and I was starting to feel like a prisoner in my own damn home.

And I was tired of everyone watching me with pity in their eyes. It was like being under a microscope.

Why wouldn’t these fuckers go home? They didn’t need to be here anymore. The house was too small for all of them to be crammed inside when they had a huge home they could get back to.

I had retreated to my bedroom only to find the bed had been remade with a comforter I didn’t recognize and Romero had vanished.

My phone had been plugged in and was sitting on top of the dresser. The bag I had packed and taken with me had magically appeared at the foot of my bed. The only thing missing was my goddamn car keys.

I’d thrown a fit and still they had not been returned to me. In fact, everyone had looked at me like I was crazy for demanding they be returned back to me. Like, somehow, maybe I’d forgotten how to drive.


They’d left me alone once I retreated to my bedroom, but I knew it wouldn’t last.

I couldn’t hide in there forever and I really needed to take a shower.

I swore I locked the door but as I stood under the spray of hot water I heard it open and close. I didn’t even mind because being alone with my thoughts and memories was really not doing me any favors.

If I wasn’t careful I’d start crying soon. And I’d likely not be able to stop.

The curtain opened and someone stepped into the shower behind me. I didn’t need to turn around to know it was Rain who’d joined me. He always had a presence to him that was unmistakable. I’d recognize it anywhere.

His strong arms wrapped around me and he pressed his front to my back.

He rested his chin on my shoulder and I relaxed into him. Rain would always be my safe space and I didn’t have it in me to hold myself back from him.

“I’m so mad at you right now.”