Later, I’d think about the fact that more people had likely seen my naked body than what I was comfortable with and I could freak out about it then. It was something I’d gone through before and I’d had to get over it.

I mean, Rain had seen me naked from the moment he’d first laid eyes on me. That hadn’t been my finest moment, and for awhile it’d been slightly difficult to look him in the eyes, but I got over it.

I’d get over this too.


Fuck it.

I climbed out of bed and wrapped the sheet around my body, toga style.

I avoided looking toward the mirror at all costs and headed to the dresser. Specifically my underwear drawer where I kept my stash. If there was ever a time to get stoned in order to settle the storm inside my mind, now was the perfect time.

I almost tripped over the set of long legs sticking out from the chair in the corner of the room. My eyes traveled up the length of the man to find Romero sound asleep in the chair. His long hair hung down his body in a tangled mess and there were dark circles around his closed eyes.

Guilt stabbed at my chest. I’d stake my life on being the reason behind those dark circles being there. I’d be willing to bet he wasn’t the only one sporting them.

I was kind of surprised that he was the one in here with me. If I had to pick one I’d expect it’d be Finn. He was usually very attached to me.

I didn’t let his absence hurt my feelings. I remembered seeing him in that house before I’d been handed off to Tyson.

Both Finn and Rain had come for me and they hadn't been alone. That’s what mattered and I wouldn’t allow myself to forget that.

I was quiet as I dug out the cigarette case from the drawer that had my pre-rolled joints in it and grabbed a black zippo lighter as well.

Since I assumed they’d all already seen it anyway, I didn’t bother putting clothes on. The sheet concealed everything anyway.

The house was quiet. Baxter’s room was empty.

The living room and kitchen, however, were not empty in the slightest.

Trenton and Simon stood by the front door like the guards they were, watching over the occupants of the room. They noticed me first, their strange silver eyes coming right to me as soon as I stepped out of the hallway.

Ariel, Dash, and Julian were seated around the table in the kitchen with coffee mugs in front of them.

Abel and Addison were on the couch. Their heads were pressed close together as they whispered words between them clearly meant only for the other to hear.

Baxter laid curled up in a ball on the couch beside the twins. He was asleep and looked a lot younger than I was used to seeing from him. Because he was such an old soul I often forgot that he was actually a little boy who’d already seen too much in this life.

What really surprised me was seeing Toby and Baylie sitting on the floor with Damien. They had books sprawled out in front of them and Damien was quietly pointing things out to them. Schoolwork, most likely. All of Ariel’s men took time out of their lives to teach and help their younger charges with their magic.

It was all very sweet and domesticated, or whatever. One big happy family.

With most of them now staring at me it was getting harder to breathe properly.

I had to get the fuck out of there now before I started to scream just to get out all the emotion I was now choking on.

No one talked to me or tried to stop me as I walked out the back door. I had a feeling it was the look on my face that stopped them. Either that or the terrified panic I was sure you could read in my eyes.

I sat my ass down in the chair on the deck and rested my bare feet up on the railing.

I opened the cigarette case, popped out a joint, and sparked up.

That first inhale of sweet, musky smoke filled my lungs and immediately settled my nerves. This was exactly what I needed, my crutch in life.

Being alone didn’t last very long, just like I knew it wouldn’t.

Tyson Alexander sat down in the chair beside mine.