I wasn’t going to get my answers until she woke up. And then I had a feeling I was going to find the person responsible for her injuries and I was going to murder them with my bare hands.

And then I planned on kicking both Rain and Finn’s asses.

I was also never letting Isobel out of my sight again.


Healed But Scarred


I woke up in my bedroom, having no recollection of how I’d gotten there.

The last thing I remembered was being in that horrible house with that absolute monster of a man who’d done…things to me.

My mind refused to go down that bumpy road. Talk about a place filled with landmines.

I’d have more nightmares now than ever before, that’s for sure. Dream catcher be damned.

The strangest thing about waking up? There was no more pain. The agonizing fire that had burned through my gut for hours on end no longer existed. There was a tightness in certain places, but I wouldn’t exactly call it pain. Not after what I’d already gone through.

I now knew real pain and this wasn’t it, not even close.

Not that I didn’t know what real pain was from before.

Fuck the Council. All they ever did was hurt people. I hoped like hell I was the last person any one of those sick fuckers ever hurt.

They were supposed to have been dead and gone. Now there was still one left out there in the world and he’d hurt me worse than the others before him had attempted to do.

Why did my lessons in life always have to be learned the hard way?

I sat up in bed and the sheet that had been covering my body fell down, pooling in my lap. I looked down at my body and had to close my eyes for a few seconds to get my emotions back under control.

I could feel that man's hands on my breasts as he smeared my blood around on my skin while he fondled me.

I felt that blade tear into my skin.

I could feel…

Way too fucking much.

I needed a shower. But I needed to calm my nerves down first.

My wounds had been covered with bandages and as much as I didn’t want to look at them I needed to know what the damage was.

Carefully, I peeled one of the bandages aside.

The wound was… healed. I was greeted with an angry, puckered, pink line.

What in the everloving hell was going on here? Just how long had I been dead to the world for?

Each bandage I peeled away and removed revealed the same thing — healed but scarred.

Someone had taken great care to fix me up and they’d done a damn good job of it.

Magic was such a blessed thing.

Julian was the one with the magical touch who usually fixed everyone up. I bet this was his handy work at play here.