My vision went blurry and my legs gave out on me. I fell back down on the couch and landed hard on my ass. Baxter released my hand and hovered over me at my side.

Who in their right mind would ever put a knife to and harm such a lovely creature as Isobel? I could barely stomach the thought. Looking at her in this condition just might completely destroy me.

“Get her to her bedroom and laid out on the bed for me,” Julian instructed. “I’ll grab my bag from the car and be right with you.”

He ran out the door as Tyson carried Isobel toward the halfway that would take them to her bedroom.

“Dad—” Dash choked out but I ignored him, got my shit together, and focused on the little boy beside me.

A little boy that watched Tyson disappear with Isobel in his arms with a look on his face that said he was seeing a ghost.

This little boy mattered more than my son did at the moment.

I cleared the emotion out of my voice before speaking. “I’m going to need you to listen to me and do as I say without argument.” His eyes snapped to mine and he titled his head to the side and studied me. “I’m going in there with her and I’ll stay by her side until she wakes up and comes back to us. I swear I will make sure nothing else happens to her. But I’m going to need you to stay out here and look after things. It’s an important task that someone needs to do until Rain and Finn return. I’ll need you to do this for Isobel and for the rest of your coven. Can you do that for me?”

He nodded without hesitation and I felt horrible for burdening him with a task that he needn't worry about in the first place. With Simon and Trenton here no harm would come to the boy. He was Rain’s family and they’d do anything for my man.

The boy looked up at me eagerly, finally happy to have something to do. “I’ll keep watch while you look after her. I’ll also call Rain to update him.”

Smart. I hadn’t even considered calling either Rain or Finn. Neither were my top priority at the moment.

Dash called out to me as I headed toward the hallway where Tyson had disappeared with a piece of my heart. There’d be plenty of time for my son to lecture me or whatever it was that he had in mind later.

Isobel’s door was wide open and I found her laid out upon her bed. She should have been placed on towels first because all that blood was going to ruin her pretty comforter.

I’d never been in her bedroom before and I barely looked around the space now or noticed anything. I only had eyes for the sweet deathly pale beauty on the bed.

“You want to help me take her clothes off?” Tyson asked from across the bed from me.

I ground my teeth and jerked my chin up. I didn’t want anyone else in here with her naked body but I was in no position to argue about it. Not with her laying there, bleeding from wounds, and covered in her own blood.

It was a slow process, and we were both incredibly gentle with how we handled her body, but eventually we managed to strip her down to her panties. It was a little difficult to peel off her pants because the blood in some places had dried and they were stuck to her body.

Julian came in after we had removed her ruined shirt. He showed up with a big, black, old school doctors bag. He sat it down at the foot of the bed, out of our way, and started to pull things out of it.

When she was stripped down to just her panties I didn’t see her nakedness at all. The only things I could focus on were the horrific multiple wounds on her flat stomach. They slowly oozed out blood and I knew she had to have been in pure agony when she’d received them.

“Tyson, go into the bathroom and grab some towels,” Julian ordered, bossing around his coven brother. “Get them damp so we can try and clean some of this blood off of her.”

Tyson followed orders without complaint.

I was unneeded in this room but I remained all the same. Ever the silent bodyguard, watching over my charge.

It was too little too late to keep her safe. I knew it, but I watched over her all the same.

Julian worked in silence for what felt like hours with Tyson acting as his ever present assistant. They worked so well together I knew this wasn’t the first time they’d done something like this before.

They got the blood cleaned off of her body. Her wounds were stitched shut with something that shined brightly before sinking into her skin and disappearing. Julian spread some strange smelling green concoction all over her stomach.

It terrified me that she didn’t so much as twitch throughout the entire ordeal. If the boys were concerned by her not waking up they certainly didn’t show it.

Once her wounds were dealt with and bandaged up she was covered carefully with a sheet and the boys packed up and left the room, leaving me alone with her.

I sat down on the chair in the corner and watched her chest rise and fall with every breath.

Time dragged on and still she did not wake up.

The questions burned inside of me, unanswered.