There was this small whispering echo in the back of my mind telling me that, despite my rage, I might have just owed him a simple thank you for bringing us all together. Together where we belonged.

Finn placed a warm, comforting hand on my shoulder and his fingers dug in, kneading my flesh.

Nah, I didn’t owe this motherfucker anything. We would have gotten here all on our own in good time. It was meant to be.

“Rain,” Quinton murmured in a quiet, respectful voice. “We have no idea who this man is, who he’s contacted about Isobel being here, or who could possibly be coming here. Do what you gotta do so we can get ourselves out of here. I don’t like how this place feels.”

He had valid points and, for once, I couldn’t actually feel the room I was standing in.

“Rain,” Finn said as he squeezed my shoulder tightly. “I want to tell you to take all the time you need but I can’t do that right now. As much as it pains me to say it, Isobel was in a really bad way and she needs us to be with her right now.”

Yes, Isobel. Our woman. Our female witch. The reason we were here.

She’d been covered in blood. Stabbed multiple times, as far as I could tell.

She did need us right now. More than I needed to expel my rage or extract my revenge on her behalf.

And was revenge really mine to take here?

I had done it for my daughter because she already had enough blood on her sweet, precious hands to last her the rest of her hopefully long life.

But Isobel?

Her dainty, lovely hands were clean.

I had a feeling she’d revel in the chance to get them just a little bit dirty.

And I had the perfect place for her to start.

I flicked my hand at the man and his blubbering stopped immediately. He lost consciousness and the silence in the room was almost stifling, it was so heavy.

I rose to my feet and pointed a shaking finger down at the man. “Grab him, boys. We’re taking him back with us as an offering to my female. A gift to her, if you will.”

“About fucking time,” Quinton grunted as he grabbed the man by his arm and slung his prone body over his broad shoulders as if the man weighed next to nothing.

I turned on my booted feet and headed toward the door, only stopping long enough to grab ahold of Finn’s hand on the way to the front door.

Quinton muttered curse words the whole way behind us. I couldn’t believe I allowed him to kiss my daughter with that filthy mouth.

As we crossed the threshold I snapped my fingers on my freehand.

The house burned behind us, and I didn’t bother looking back.

I was no longer looking toward the past.

The future, my future, was standing beside me and also waiting for me back at home.


Something Was Happening


I’d been left behind like a freaking child. I’d actually been left behind with not only my child but the child, Baxter.

Both Rain and Finn were in deep, deep shit with me and I was barely holding onto my sanity here. And they had done not one damn thing to help me grasp hold of that string and pull it back tighter to me. No, they’d frayed the rope dangerously and it too was close to snapping.

“They’re going to find her, dad. If anyone can do it it’s them.”