“I’ll take her. You go help Rain and try and make sure he doesn’t burn the whole neighborhood down. The last thing we need is the cops getting involved when we need to be focused on taking care of your girl here.”

Finn looked doubtful, but he dipped his head once before moving away from me.

Tyson Alexander took his place and knelt down beside me.

“Let’s get you out of here, Bella. I’ll get you to Jules and he’ll fix you right up. Good as new. You just gotta hang in there until then.”

His voice cracked and I swore I saw a tear leak out of his eye, but I fancied I imagined it. Tyson Alexander couldn’t be crying over the sight of my bleeding, damaged body.

Could he?

Nothing in this rotting house made any sense to me.

He slipped his arms underneath me and gently lifted me off of the floor. Pain lanced through my stomach, spearing me with pure agony.

I screamed and the world around me finally, blissfully, went black.

The last thought I had, with them finally coming for me, was that I hoped this time I woke up.

Death was far too permanent of an end for me.

I wasn’t ready for it just yet.


Finn Was At My Back



So much fucking blood.

My woman’s body had been covered obscenely in it. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that all of that blood had been her own.

Which had me seeing in nothing but red.

The man before me, the one responsible for all that blood, cowered before me on the dirty floor. Both of his arms had been dislocated and hung limply and useless at his sides.

Both of his ankles had been snapped so that he could not run away from me. For run he had certainly tried.

After he’d proclaimed me to be a possessed demon.

Which, in a way, he wasn’t entirely wrong about. Seeing red. Feeling this burning rage inside of me. I felt a whole lot like being a fucking possessed something. If that something was a demon then so be it.

I crouched down in front of the whimpering, blubbering man and my rage did not lessen in the slightest. In fact, not that I thought it possible, but it seemed to grow in it’s size. No one had that much rage inside of them, at least not be able to contain it without exploding into a mess of burning flames.

It needed to be unleashed and I had the perfect outlet on the ground directly in front of me.

Someone stood behind me at my back. I felt his presence as if he were an extension of my own being.

Finn was at my back.

This whole entire day had changed everything. For him. For me. For Romero.

For our brand new fledgling coven.

And this motherfucker had almost robbed us all of it before it could really even get started.