A crash came from somewhere in the decrepit house and I knew that for me it was now or never.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and planted my bare feet on the dirty floor. If I made it through this I’d be lucky if I didn’t have any diseases. This place was filthy.

I clutched at my stomach in an attempt to convince myself that maybe it might help to save some of my precious life’s blood, when in reality there was no saving that, and I stood up.

The world around me swam as my vision grew hazy.

I stood there swaying on my feet for a few precious seconds as I waited for my vision to clear. It didn’t fully, but I was committed to getting out of here and I’d been blind before, I could handle a little blurry vision. Just so long as it wasn’t entirely gone I’d be okay.

I stumbled my way through the room towards the only exit, all the while swaying drunkenly on my feet.

I wished I had any other direction to be heading into. Instead I was walking right towards where my violent capture had gone. With my luck we’d definitely cross paths again. I had the shittiest luck ever.

There were strange grunting sounds and then a shout that sounded as if someone were in a great deal of pain. Whatever that creep had going on I didn’t think I was his only visitor. I was curious, but self preservation meant more.

Curiosity wasn’t going to kill this cat. Not that my ass had nine lives. So far I thought I might have lived at least two different ones.

I swore I must have been losing my damn mind because I thought I heard Quinton Alexander’s voice in the distance. And that was just fucking crazy.

Maybe I was already dead.

Or, was this some kind of fucked up dream? It would have to be fucked up for Quinton to be in it. The man did not like me. The feeling wasn’t exactly mutual, I didn’t hate him, I just thought he was quite the asshole.

I thought I heard Finn’s voice too. Which made my soul soar just a little bit, but that didn’t make sense to me either. What the hell reason would Finn have to be in this dumpster fire of a place? The answer was nothing, because he wasn’t really here.

I heard Rain’s deep, gravelly voice as I stumbled my way down a hallway, feeling along the walls as I went.

That was weird. Because Rain couldn’t be here either.

Could blood loss make you lose your mind? Because I was seriously losing it here and fast.

I rounded the corner, tripped over my own feet, and went down. Hard.

The floor came at my face so fast it happened in the blink of an eye. One second I had been standing there against the wall. Well, sort of hunched in on myself, but still standing. The next second I was sprawled out face first on the ground. And I had no idea how I’d gotten there, but I was aware that my stomach hurt even worse than it had before. Which was saying something.

I immediately rolled over onto my back and covered my poor stomach with the palms of my hands.

“Someone, please tell me what in the fuck I'm looking at right now is not what I’m actually seeing. If this isn’t all in my mind then someone is going to die in the worst possible way.”

Yes, that was most definitely Rain’s voice I was hearing, and the man did not sound happy in the slightest.

I knew he’d come for me. I just didn’t think it’d actually be in time to get me out of here.

I should have known better. He had come and gotten me out of that stupid, horrific hole after all.

Why not this shit hole too?

I blinked and when I opened my eyes again Finn’s sweet face hovered above mine.

Finn was here, too?

Where had he come from?

“You’re going to be okay, baby.” he whispered. “We’re going to get you out of here and fixed right up. You just have to hang in there for a few more minutes. Please, baby, can you do that for me?”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him there were just some things one would never be able to fix, no matter how much you tried.

The last thing I wanted was to break Finn’s heart.