“Oh, no, no, no. We cannot allow this type of behavior. It’s completely unacceptable. Now I’m seeing why Adrian had so much trouble breaking you in and getting you under control.”

“Adrian’s dead,” I whispered fiercely. “And you’re fucking stupid for ever putting your hands on me because it signed your death warrant too.”

It didn’t matter if I lived or died here. Rain was going to hunt this man down and rip him apart limb by limb. He’d done that for Ariel and I was starting to think I meant just as much to him as his precious daughter did.

The man either heard the truth in my words or he read it on my face because he scowled at me and backed off of the bed.

“What do you know about Adrian’s death? You’re not a member of that little Kimber bitches coven. And, from what I’ve been able to uncover, she’s the one who wiped the Council out. What do you know about the massacre at the motel? You know something and you’re going to tell me. Right after you’re punished for that little temper tantrum.”

He grinned down at me and it was mostly a baring of teeth. “You wait right there for me.” He chuckled like the absolute dick that he was. “I’ve got something special, just right for this situation.”

He walked out of the room with a little pep in his step. He didn’t bother looking back.

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe through the pain so I could concentrate. My flame was in there, in the back of my mind. It was duller than normal and flickered in and out, but all that mattered is that it hadn’t been entirely snuffed out.

When I’d been down in that hole there’d been no flame at all in my mind. It had been absolutely terrifying, to say the least. And it hadn’t simply been because I’d been blinded by those sick bastards. They’d stripped my magic from me because they’d been strong enough all together to do it.

But this was just one man.

And he hadn’t been able to entirely snuff out my flame.

Because he wasn’t strong enough on his own and Ariel and her people had wiped out all of his asshole buddies.

When I managed to make it back to my people without bleeding to death I was going to have to find the bratty girl and thank her because she’d unknowingly done me a favor.

I’d be so totally screwed if there were more of these bastards alive.

Then again, if she hadn’t done what she’d done and gotten her ass kidnapped then I wouldn’t have felt safe enough to go back to that place in the first place, and then I wouldn’t have ended up here.

Not that I could honestly blame Ariel for my current situation because that would really make me just another asshole. And the world was already full up on those.

My mind was all over the place and it was doing me no favors.

Focus, Isobel.

Right. I could do that. What were my other options here? Not ones I wanted to look at.

Once I latched onto the flame in my mind it was scarily easy for everything else to fade to the background. The stench in the air that was now tainted with copper. The burning pain in my stomach. The humiliating fact that my breasts were exposed and still covered with my very own blood.

I latched onto that flame and yanked on it. The flame burst to life in my mind and my magic roared through my body.

The lock on my cuffs clicked as they slid open, freeing my hands. Two seconds later the ones around my ankles made the same clicking sound as the cuffs fell away.

I laid there, soaking up my freedom and too stunned to move.

And then I sat up just to lay right back down. I hadn’t thought that one through. Black spots danced across my vision as my stomach screamed at me in agony.


This was not good and I really needed to get out of here before that maniac came back to do more damage.

I pressed my hands against my wounds, gritted my teeth, and slowly forced myself to sit up. I looked down at myself and, even though I knew what was there, it was still a shock to see my tits and my stomach covered in my blood.

I let go of my stomach to grab the ends of my ruined tank top. I pulled them up and tied them together, covering my tits.

My priorities were skewered and I knew I should have been more worried about the blood still oozing out of me. But I didn’t care.

A girl had to do what a girl had to do.