“You’re lucky you did not just puke. It would have killed my happy vibe before I got to play with you. And we don’t want that, do we?”

I didn’t want any of this, but I was certain he didn’t give a fuck about that. I had a feeling the only reason he even talked to me at all was because he enjoyed the sound of his own voice.

His hair brushed against my cheeks as he hovered above me. It was feather soft against my damp skin.

I felt the tip of the blade as he dragged it up the underside of my shirt, slicing it open. Thankfully, my skin remained intact. He pulled my shirt apart and placed the ruined sides on either side of my now exposed torso.

He made a pleased sound in the back of his throat as his eyes dropped down to my stomach.

He ran the tip of the blade across my collarbone and down the center of my chest. My bra was sliced clean through between my breasts.

I whimpered pathetically as the material was pushed aside and my breasts were exposed.

“Pretty, pink nipples.” He hummed as he flicked the tip of the blade against my right nipple. “If they weren’t so pretty I might just cut them off. But I do believe I promised you a reward for being such a good girl. And I don’t think making you scream some more at the moment, no matter how pleasant I would find it, would not be an appropriate reward for you.”

If he insisted on rewarding me I had a few suggestions of what he could start with. Like releasing me. And then getting as far away from me as humanly possible after phoning for an ambulance.

He dropped the knife onto the bed beside me and cupped my breasts, pushing them together. He leaned down and buried his face in them.

I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming for a different reason now. My never ending fountain of tears finally dried up and the useless liquid called it quits.

Small mercies.

The man inhaled loudly before sitting back. He held my breasts pushed together with one hand as his other hand trailed down to my stomach. I whimpered as he pressed his palm in flat against one of my wounds.

He hissed as he pulled his hand away and stared down at his bloody palm in open lust and awe. “Blood is such a precious gift. Don’t you think?”

Yeah, I absolutely thought so, and mine was leaking out of me more and more by the second.

He rubbed his bloody palm all over my breasts, smearing my blood across the pale flesh. He made another one of those pleased noises in the back of his throat and my mind completely tried to shut down to block out what was happening to me.

His hands rubbed all over my body.

I could feel it but I couldn’t see it. My mind had taken a little vacation back in time to a much happier place. A place where my life had been sheltered, I’d been surrounded by nothing but love, and I’d known not a single thing about pain or violation.

I wished I could go back in time and live that part of my life over again. I’d never, ever take the love my family had so freely given me for granted the second time around. I’d ask my mother to teach me how to cook and I’d spend as much time with her as I could in her bright, sunny kitchen.


I grunted as my head rocked to the side with the force of the slap delivered to the side of my face. He squeezed my cheeks so hard in his hand that they bit into my teeth.

Spittle flew out of his mouth as he seethed. “Oh, no you don’t. You do not get to check out on me while I’m being extra generous with you. You’re being an ungrateful little bitch and I’ll not have it.”

Fuck this man.

And, fuck me too, because I had had enough of this asshole, this bedroom, and this whole bullshit experience. I was tired of men violating me and taking things from me that I didn’t want to give them in the first place.

I was tired of feeling safe, loved, and happy just to have that ripped away from me.

And, mostly, I was tired of all the fucking pain.

I lifted my head up off of the mattress and spat in his face.

I could feel it inside of me, building and threatening to burn me alive from the inside.

Whatever magic this man had going in this room was strong, so strong it had kept mine in check until now, but mine wanted out for a chance to prove it just might be stronger. And I was here for it.

He let my face go and stepped back, a look of shock on his face. He swiped the spit off of his face with the back of his hand.