I could not fucking wait to tell Isobel the good news. She was going to be so damn thrilled.

I looked down at the blood still leaking out of me as I heard Tyson and Quinton both begin to chant whispered words into the universe.

She’d be happy.

I just had to find her first.


Little Screamer


My throat had turned raw from screaming.

The tears leaking out of my eyes seemed to be a never ending fountain that just kept pouring the salty liquid at a steady pace.

My stomach was a mess of pure fire that I had to close my eyes to keep from looking at it. I had no idea how much blood I had lost but my shirt clung to my skin at both my stomach and my back. And the mattress was soaking wet.

I’d lost consciousness for a while thanks to the pain and fear taking over. Thankfully, my tormentor had left me sometime after then and when I’d come around I’d been blissfully alone in this room once again.

I had no idea how long ago that had been but it felt like hours and hours had gone by.

I wanted the fuck out of here and didn’t like being stuck here with myself, feeling like I was slowly bleeding to death, with only the garbage in my head to keep myself occupied. And that sucker was filled to the brim with garbage.

Before, the situation I had found myself in, hadn’t been my fault and I doubted there’d been any way for me to have avoided it.

This shit now, though? It could have been easily avoidable and I figured that I only had myself and my own stupidity to blame.

I had to get the fuck out of here and back home with my coven where I belonged. I did not want to bleed to death ever, but because of this man who’d been a part of my torture before? Hell no.

I was getting out of here no matter what I had to do to make that happen.

“I know you’re awake, little screamer. How about you open up those big, sweet eyes for me so I can see them filled with all that delicious pain you’re in right now.” He smacked his lips obnoxiously. “I can practically taste your pain and fear in the air. It’s intoxicating.”

The sick fuck was back and I shivered involuntarily at the pure glee in his voice.

No matter how long I lived, though I hoped it was longer than tonight, I would never understand how someone could feed off of someone else’s pain. It both horrified and scared the shit right out of me.

I opened my eyes because at this point I felt it might be better for me to give him what he asked for rather than allow my stubborn side to take over just to spite him. I was already in enough pain.

Those washed out eyes of his were dancing with his desire to hurt me and I knew my journey into a world of pain had only just begun.

How did one’s eyes get like that, I wondered.

“And there she is,” he cooed. “You’re such a good girl when you behave. Do you know what good girls get? Rewarded. Good girls get rewarded.”

I was going to puke.

I turned my head to the side and heaved. Nothing came out but the action caused my stomach to tense. Not smart. I whimpered in agony and black spots danced across my vision.



