Page 6 of Jackson

"She said you can help me," Maya said. "So, this man auction that's coming up," she began casually, tracing the rim of her own cup with a manicured nail. "I need a favor and Sarah said you might be willing to help. To help the shelter of course.”

Alex chuckled. “The challenge of making Jackson jealous? Sarah filled me in. Hell yes. I’d do that any day.”

“Excellent, so I need to interview you and maybe be seen a few times together.”

Kane wandered over to them and interrupted. ‘So, I see the plan has begun.” He said as grinned down at them. He nodded at Mayas expression. “Yep, Sarah told me,” he said as he chuckled.

"Kane, don't start," Maya warned, but there was no bite to her words. "This is strictly professional."

"Professional, huh?" Kane folded his arms, eyebrow quirking. "I thought that this some half baked scheme to make Jackson jealous?"

"Jealousy has nothing to do with it," Maya shot back, though a little too quickly. "It's about the story. Pure and simple."

"Relax, I'm just teasing," Kane said, clapping Alex on the shoulder. "I wont spill the beans to Jackson. This should be fun to watch.”

"That’s why I’m doing it. It’s about time he got some of his medicine," Alex said. "I'll help you, Maya. But we do this right. No funny business. I’ve got my own person to try to impress."

"Scout's honor," Maya promised, holding up two fingers. She let out a silent sigh of relief as Kane wandered off, likely to concoct his own brand of mischief. Maya waited until Kane was out of ear shot. “Someone special?"

"Olivia," he blurted out, then slapped a hand over his mouth as if he could shove the words back in. “Crap, maybe me keeping this secret from Jackson won’t work after all.”

"Olivia?" Maya leaned in, her grin spreading so wide it threatened to split her face. "The Olivia? Owner of the shelter, champion of lost causes, and single mum to the twins?"

"Please, don't—" Alex groaned. “She doesn’t even know I am interested in her.”

"Hey, no judgment here." Maya reached across the table, giving his knuckles an empathetic pat. "Actually, I'm impressed. And a little surprised. I mean, look at you. You've got this broody, mysterious vibe going on," Maya said, gesturing broadly to encompass his tousled hair and deep whiskey-coloured eyes. "Women love that stuff. You’re like a walking romance novel trope.”

"Broody?" Alex blinked, perplexed. "I thought I was more... awkward."

"Tomato, tomahto," Maya dismissed with a flick of her wrist. "Point is, you've got layers. Like an onion.”

"So, you are comparing me to stinky old onions," Alex added softly, finally cracking a tentative smile.

Maya leaned in closer. So, what's your strategy to get her attention at the auction? Flex your muscles, flash a smoldering look?"

"Um," Alex began, his cheeks coloring, "I guess I could... maybe do a little wave?" His hand fluttered awkwardly in the air before he quickly set it back down. "No, that's dumb."

"You’ll figure it out," Maya said with a grin, her gaze flickering momentarily past him. The corners of her lips twitched as she caught sight of Jackson, who had just settled at a table across the room with a newspaper held conspicuously high.

"Is it me or is it hot in here?" she said, loosening the top button of her blouse subtly enough that only someone watching closely would notice—the perfect bait for nosy ex-boyfriends.

"I felt hot as soon as I saw you," Alex said loud enough for Jackson to hear.

“Smooth Alex,” Maya said as she leaned towards him. “You’re not kidding. You really are awkward.” Maya patted Alex's hand as Alex groaned at his outburst. “Women love men who look like you but are a bit weird.”

Across the room, Jackson's grip on his newspaper tightened, a small crease forming between his brows as his eye’s laser beamed on Maya and Alex’s joined hands. Maya knew she was getting under his skin. She reached out, adjusting his collar with a flirtatious smile.

“You know, so you're ready to ask Olivia out." Leaning forward, she dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Be yourself. Own it, Alex. It’s you," Maya encouraged. "But with a touch more confidence."

"Confident with women I am not,” Alex replied, “but Jackson looks like he wants to hit something every time you touch me.”

"He is only getting what he deserves," she assured Alex, her attention split between the man across from her and the one pretending to read about local politics.

The charade continued for a few more minutes. Maya stood, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Well, Alex, this has been fun."

"It sure has. And thanks for the advice," Alex replied, standing so now he towered over her.

Leaning up on tip toes, Maya placed a quick, chaste kiss on Alex’s cheek.