Page 44 of Wolf Chosen

She’s undeniably connected to Kade.

There’s a rustle of leaves, and Dinah strides into the clearing. She glances at Kade, then Denzel, and rolls her eyes. “We don’t have time for this, boys.” She points to the center. “Noticed anything missing?”

Elara had completely forgotten what brought her here in the first place. She glances over, registering the Excalibur replica is gone. “The sword,” she gasps.

The shifters must have taken it.

“The shifters have it,” Dinah confirms. “Chad is going to use it to resurrect Samara.”

“Except it’s a replica,” Elara points out. “It won’t work.”

The shadow that passes over Dinah’s face has Elara’s stomach clenching. “I performed a tracking spell. And discovered they had a backup plan.” She circles around the area that was almost a bloodbath.

Elara shifts her weight, not liking the sound of that.

"Ebony's got a hold of a new power source, a talisman that belonged to an ancient goddess named Hecate."

"Goddess?" Elara suppresses the urge to rub her temples. Wasn't she just wondering whether every supernatural being she’s heard of in stories must be real? Which one is going to come for her next?

“Yes," Dinah confirms. "Without Laith, they’ll use it to rip open the dimension between us and Purgatory. It’ll allow Samara to escape, along with every spirit that’s immediately around the nexus of ley lines that run below the city.”

Denzel draws in a sharp breath. The wolves of Shadowgrace growl uneasily. Kade moves closer to Elara. It’s only then that she registers he’s naked. Warmth infuses her veins. Warmth she shouldn’t be feeling right now.

“Exactly,” Dinah says flatly, even though no one spoke. “We do not want every spirit from the other side pouring into this world.”

Elara wraps her arms around herself. Who knows what kind of things are on the other side, waiting. A chill still runs down her spine. The shifters would have an army of undead monsters.

“I don’t believe you,” Denzel spits, glaring at Dinah. “The shifters have a replica of Excalibur. There’s nothing they can do.” He takes a step back. “We will not be part of this war you’re orchestrating so your mother can be resurrected.”

Dinah bares her teeth. “My mother is evil. I will never align with her again.”

“You expect us to believe that?” Denzel demands. He turns away, his pack obediently following him. “We will not be part of your disgusting plan. We will not aid the shifters in resurrecting Samara.”

He shifts into the strong, dark wolf he is and the rest of Shadowgrace follow suit. With a ripple of growls, they run from the clearing.

This time, it’s a shudder that rips through Elara. They just lost any show of strength they had. Kade’s arm slips around her shoulders and she instinctively leans into him. His bare skin is the comfort she needs right now. The reminder that hope exists.

That they can win this, somehow.

"What do we do?" she whispers.

“We stop them,” Kade says grimly.



“Cowards,” Kira grinds through gritted teeth. "They refused to stay with us now they’ve seen what Elara can do. Even though she just saved their asses."

“We don’t need them,” Kade growls, even though he’s also furious that Denzel just tucked his tail in and ran. “I have some clothes nearby. Once we’re dressed, we find Chad and his shifters.”

And stop whatever he and Ebony have planned.

With a last look at Elara, wearing only an oversized t-shirt that brushes her thighs, he breaks into a run. Kade races through the woods, now being lit with the break of day. He’s hidden clothes all over these woods, just in case. He quickly smells the closest stash and gathers a pile of clothes he tucked into a tree stump where a tree had rotted and fallen nearly a year ago, leaving behind only scars.

He pulls on a black tee and a pair of jeans, hoping Elara can at least tie the sweatpants tight enough to stay on. Images of her lean legs rise, unbidden, and he pushes them away. It wasn't the first time he saw her that way and probably won't be the last. It's only natural for wolves.

It’s just that Elara is…more.