Page 33 of Wolf Chosen

Elara convinced Denzel to help get Kade so he could grill him about the evolved wolves and whether it can be done to those other than the ones with bloodlines. That way, they could use it to their advantage against the shifters.

The idea makes Elara shiver, but it’s the best she could come up with to get Denzel to cooperate after she explained the Arthurian legends and exactly what she is. She’d been afraid he wouldn’t accept her at all after that, but he agreed, almost sounding intrigued.

Elara knows it means she’ll end up being used like a weapon or toy, but that’s better than dead.

Now, Rachel’s created documents stating Denzel is Kade’s legal guardian, an older half-brother through a past relationship between Kade’s mother and another man. It means he can be released under guardianship. He might end up with an ankle monitor or something, but it’s a start.

Elara’s heart pounds, thinking of how hopeless Kade must feel in there and what he thinks of her. If he’s waiting on her to get him out or if he assumes she’s moved on with the quest and left him there.

She’s torn between the idea of hugging him when she sees him and shaking him, grilling him for more information, including his fight with Laith. Maybe one day there will be a time where there’s no secrets between them.

After what seems like hours, , as deep darkness settles in through the woods and draws Jordyn closer to her, Elara spots Kade and Denzel walking out of the precinct. The two make as if going toward the parking lot and then swing around the side and take the long way over into the woods a few yards away. Elara turns her body instinctually in the direction they’ll be coming from.

Denzel promised her she’ll get to ask Kade questions before he says or does anything. She’s hoping he’ll reveal enough that Denzel and the pack will be gentler with him. He’ll never be a friend to them, but at least he can be a temporary ally if they play their cards right.

Elara tries to control her reaction to seeing Kade, but his blue eyes catch hers, alight with a hope they didn’t have when he was being taken away from her.

Her heart stutters. Soars. Sings.

It nearly makes her cry.

She swallows a lump in her throat as Denzel gives him some kind of warning in his ear before letting go of his shoulder.

“They released him to me pending a hearing. He can’t leave the city,” Denzel explains.

Elara nods, figuring as much. “Kade, they think you took Laith,” she hisses, begging for him to be innocent of this. “We found out they have evidence with GPS tracking that you were there when he was taken. Please, tell me you didn’t do this.”

It would be too far, and she could never forgive him.

And yet, she’d be heartbroken.



“You know I don’t have Laith,” Kade growls, the need to touch her still scorching through his veins despite the accusation. “The shifters have him. They orchestrated all of this. They must know I wanted to go looking for the sword and amulet. They wanted to get me out of the way.”

Elara looks at him for any sign of deceit, so he stares back unflinchingly.

In all the betrayal and the secrets, he hasn’t lied to her.

It’s the one fragile thread of honor he’s clung to.

Her shoulders relax as her breath whooshes out. “He’s telling the truth,” she tells Denzel. “I know he is.”

Unwarranted victory flashes through Kade’s chest, warm and uplifting. He takes a few steps forward, reaching for her, then stops. Elara wouldn’t want to show preference for him in front of her pack alpha and Jordyn considering their opinion of him.

Except she takes his hand and clasps it. Tightly.

“I’m so sorry, Elara,” he says quietly. “I didn’t expect things to move so fast.”

“I know,” she chokes out in a whisper, holding a private moment even with company.

Denzel clears his throat, and Kade moves to her side, their shoulders and arms touching, tense and waiting.

“What do they want with Laith?” Denzel demands, the authority of alpha stamped in every word. “I expect you to tell me everything or I’ll turn you over to the council and let them do what they will with you.”

Elara shoots a glare at Denzel but feels the pressure of his alpha eyes on her. She can’t defy him as much as she wants to right now.