Page 5 of Wolf Chosen


Elara sits in the passenger seat of Laith’s car, the sun having set an hour before. They spent the whole day training. Denzel had been adamant that Laith couldn’t slack off because the war with the shifters is imminent. So, they pushed their bodies to the brink.

Despite the fact his muscles have got to be aching like hers, Laith has a contented smile on his face as Elara looks over, wondering what he thinks of all he learned. It has to be a lot to process, and yet, not once did he get angry or freak out.

"What do you think?" she says, trying to make sense of his reaction.

"I can’t believe it. It's just so amazing," he answers, turning onto the main road back to her house. "I'm so afraid you’re going to pinch me and I’ll wake up to this not being real."

Elara nods, even though she doesn't understand it. Part of her wishes it had all been a nightmare and she could go back to being a typical college student.

"Yeah, but what about all the pack stuff?"

"I know it's a lot to take in, but there's this sense of belonging," he explains, his eyes lighting up like a little kid at Disney World. If only Elara could see things that way, maybe it would be easier on her. "Everyone looks out for everyone else."

She relaxes in her seat, looking up at the roof of the car, listening to Laith rave about all the things they learned and experienced as if it’s a lullaby. She can't help but smile, glad he’s not scared and angry about it. It's a good sign, but it doesn't guarantee he won't be upset that she didn't tell him everything from the get-go.

There’s a pause, and she thinks he may have finally run out of steam.

"So, how did I become like this?" he asks.

Elara sighs at the loaded question. A foolish part of her was hoping they wouldn’t get to this bit.

"I’m no expert. I’ve only been one for a month if you count the days since I first turned," she explained. "But I can tell you what Denzel told me when he found me."

"Hey, it's better than nothing at all. I want to know everything I can." Laith glances at Elara while they sit at a red light, and she sits up straight in her seat, twisting her body toward him as she tells him everything...except for one tiny detail.

The one about her being the one to scratch him.

She still can't even believe she did it. Without even remembering she’d done it. Will her memory ever come back, and if it does, will she even want it to?

"I'm going to find out who turned me." Laith bites his lip. "I want to know who it is."

Elara looks out the window as they approach her parents' house so he doesn't see her react. "And what will you do when you find out?"

Laith laughs and runs his hand through his hair, stopping the car and putting it in park. "Hell, I'll probably be thanking the person." He sweeps his hand over his body. "My normal life was so boring and empty. I'm always all alone in that house. Now, I finally have a family. A pack I can go to. I know it’s not conventional, and it’s crazy, but it’s mine."

Elara unbuckles and looks at Laith in a whole new light. She knew his parents were already gone and that he was shy and quiet. She hadn't realized that he was so lonely, though. "Hmm, I hadn't thought about it that way," she admits. She opens her mouth, ready to tell him the truth, when he grins broadly.

“We’re going to be great friends, Elara. I can just feel it.”

She smiles, even as her heart clenches, then goes to tell him the truth. But Laith engulfs her in a hug, squeezing tight. She hugs him back, allowing herself the small comfort even though she doesn’t deserve it. They’re more than friends. They’re forever connected by the sire bond.

Laith’s cell rings and he picks it up, his smile growing even as his cheeks flush. “It’s Kira.”

Elara quickly opens the door. “I’ll leave you to it,” she says, slipping out of the car. Maybe now’s not the time to tell him everything…

“I won’t tell her,” Laith promises, then bites his lip as he realizes that means keeping secrets.

Elara shuts the door as he picks up, her stomach tightening. What will this mean for Laith and Kira’s budding relationship? Laith pulls away and she stops her shoulders from drawing in. Is Laith about to learn that this life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns?

Elara bites her lip. She should’ve said something. She should’ve told him her part in this. Telling him the next time she sees him has to be her priority. She’s about to take a step when a hand comes out of the shadows at the side of the house and grabs her.

She’s about to turn and punch whoever it is, but a hand blocks her fist with pure muscle, and Elara finds herself face-to-face with Kade.

She ducks them behind the hedges at the edge of the house and whispers, "What the hell, Kade? I thought we'd solved this problem. Stop following me around!"

"I had to," he says intensely, the facade of anger and darkness not there this time. Actual worry creases his forehead.