Elara frantically shakes her head. “Please, I can’t just leave him like that. Besides, how else are we going to get Excalibur and save Laith?”
Jordyn nods. “I don’t like it, Kira, but she’s right. This is about Laith right now. You can have whatever opinion you want of Kade, but he’s useful to us. I don’t think we’re going to figure this out on our own.”
Kira crosses her arms over her chest defiantly. “It’s a bad idea. I won’t be a party to getting that beast out of jail. I’m sorry, but this is wrong.”
With a hot glare, Kira spins and walks away, her help no longer a possibility.
Elara’s ready to punch a tree and probably deal with bloody knuckles or even broken ones. How could Kira just turn her back on this?
“What about you?” she asks Jordyn in as calm a tone as she can muster. “You can leave too if you want, but I’m getting him out… somehow.” Elara trails off, surveying the police station again. Magic she barely knows, and a fledgling wolf hardly stands a chance against that many officers of the law. They need a sneakier or more efficient way to get inside.
“Well, the fastest way to get him out legally would be to prove that he’s innocent,” Jordyn says, pulling out her phone as if it’s a lifeline for Kade. “I know someone, a hacker. Maybe she can get into the GPS signals coming from Kade’s phone if you have his number. If we can prove he was nowhere near Laith beyond a reasonable doubt, then they’ll drop the case against him.”
“They have him for more than just Laith, but that’s a start.”
“Well, maybe we can even see what evidence they have in the other cases. Maybe we can discredit it in some way or ruin it?”
Intrigued, Elara asks, ”And who would do that kind of thing for us?”
“A hacker, of course, and I just happen to know an excellent one.” Before Elara can answer, Jordyn dials a number and puts her phone to her ear before rattling off just enough information to someone over the phone.
“You know a hacker?” Elara asks when she hangs up.
“Yeah, a girl named Rachel. She’s pretty awesome. She’s sure she can get us what we need. If we prove that he’s at least reasonably innocent, they can’t hold him forever.”
“Isn’t it like three days, though?” Elara asks, not liking the sound of waiting that long to help Laith. He could be hurt or dead by then.
Except what choice does she have?
“It’s three days that they can hold him, but a small jail like this…” Jordyn points to it across the street. No one has noticed a couple of women peeking out at the police station from inside the woods yet. “I doubt they’re going to do that. They need to make room for the real criminals they actually have solid evidence on.”
Elara sighs and smiles at her friend. “Thank you for sticking around to help. I know it’s not an easy decision after what he’s done.”
Jordyn puts her hand up. “I know I was reluctant at first with all of this supernatural stuff. I’m still getting used to it, but I trust you. If you say Kade’s worth saving and that he can get Laith back, then that’s what matters.”
Elara feels a warmth spread over her at that. She hopes Kira won’t stay mad at her forever and wonders if some of it could stem from the fact that yet again Laith’s worries keep landing on Elara rather than Kira. She hates that she keeps getting in the middle of them, but she can’t change how people feel. If she could, the world would be looking a lot more hopeful right now. Kira would be here, helping them.
“Elara,” Jordyn exclaims, looking down at a notification on her phone. “Look.”
Elara joins her and leans over to see what’s been sent by Rachel. She places her hand over her mouth, her heart skipping a beat. For a moment, as she goes over the GPS pings, she begins to doubt Kade once more.
The GPS places Kade at the time and location of Laith’s abduction. Only minutes after she left the lab.
A rush of anger rolls over her, but then she remembers the power and influence the shifters have. What if they can duplicate electronics too? Or they have someone who can hack the GPS signal. It’s all possible. Kade can’t be the one responsible.
“I’m telling you; he can’t have done it. Why would I lie? I care about Laith, too.”
Jordyn debates for a moment, tucking her phone away. “Conspiracies have been running through this town for a few years now. I don’t think it’s far-fetched that someone’s tampered with the information, especially as easily as someone like Rachel can get a hold of. The problem is the only option we have left is to somehow actually break him out and risk being arrested ourselves.”
“I won’t ask you to do this with me,” Elara says, knowing there’s no other way forward. Knowing she needs the help. She isn’t leaving Kade to rot behind bars, especially with the shifters on the loose, looking for evolved wolves and Excalibur.
“What if you get the pack to help?” Jordyn asks. “It would save us the trouble. No offense, but we’re only two women.”
“No offense taken.”
Elara dials Denzel immediately to tell him everything she knows. She may be an ‘abomination’ they’re unsure of, but surely they’ll help Laith…
Elara wrings her hands nervously as Denzel walks into the station to talk with the police. Jordyn's hacker friend came in handy once more.