Page 2 of Wolf Chosen

"This place is gorgeous, but kind of quiet," she comments, working herself up to the conversation.

Laith smiles crookedly as he stops in what looks like a living room from Vogue. “Elara, you’ve never been too big on small talk. Why don't you come sit and tell me why you’re really here?”

Elara nods as her heart thumps against her ribs like an animal trying to escape a cage. Will he guess it was her who changed his life forever? Mistake or not, she doesn't like that being on her conscience. How Kade lives with the deaths of so many he turned on purpose, she can't fathom.

They sit down on a sofa, facing each other. Elara shuffles to the edge as she tries to figure out how to broach the subject.

“Why don't you tell me about your dream first,” she finally says, hoping her tone is friendly and not giving away her nerves.

“It's so strange, and I can only remember bits and pieces.” He rubs his forehead beneath his bangs. “But there were these wolves outside my house, and we all ran through the woods or something. Then…” Laith pauses and looks at Elara, realization dawning in his eyes.

Elara nods, waiting for him to fill in his own blanks.

"It wasn’t just a dream, was it?"

Elara wipes her sweaty hands down her jeans. "No, it wasn't. I was there, I saw it too.” She hesitates, having never expected to say the following words. “We're werewolves, Laith."

"Wait!" He stands up so fast that she jumps in her seat. "You mean I have magic, and I’m a werewolf?"

Elara nods, trying not to wince.

Suddenly, Laith’s hauling her up from the couch and laughing. “That’s so freaking cool!” He hugs her, then spins her, then hugs her even tighter.

Elara can’t help but smile. Laith’s joy is the balm her guilt needs. Except he has no idea that being a witch and a werewolf isn’t normal in the world of the supernatural.

She pulls back, looking up at him. “Laith, this stuff is serious. It can be dangerous.”

He releases her, rubbing the back of his head as he grins crookedly. “Okay, that's fair, but it’s still pretty awesome.” He sits back down, patting the cushion beside him. “So, I guess I turned last night then?”

Elara nods as she also sits. She’s glad Laith’s reaction is much different from her own.

“How do you know about all this stuff?” he asks, bouncing a little in his seat.

“When I turned, a wolf named Denzel found me. He’s part of a pack here in Mercy City. He actually wants to meet you, if you're up for it. The pack helped you stay safe last night."

Elara looks down as she says it, knowing that's a half-truth.

“Wow, okay, sure.” Laith shoots to his feet again, looking like he may never sit again. “What am I saying? Of course, I want to meet him! I'll drive?”

“Sure,” she says, standing, too. This is going far more smoothly than she expected. “Lead the way.”

Laith hugs her one more time, then makes his way into a garage that houses four cars, Elara almost envies him, and not for the wealth he obviously lives in. Learning the truth is good news for him. A future he welcomes.

Which is about as far opposite as possible from how she feels.

“Laith, this is Denzel,” Elara says as the two shake hands. A bird trills somewhere high in the canopy of the forest near Denzel’s house, but apart from that, they’re alone.

Denzel assesses Laith, who's still completely chuffed at the idea of being a werewolf. For the first time, Elara can't help but smile, regardless of the fact she doesn't feel as great about it as he does.

"Looks like you’re taking the news rather well," Denzel comments.

Laith shrugs. "I've never really been, ah, anything. Finding out that I'm a supernatural being with magical powers is pretty awesome. At least to me." Laith shoves his hands in his pockets, Denzel's presence clearly causing him to be nervous.

“Did Elara fill you in on everything?”

He nods. “She told me most of it on the car ride over. All about what happened last night and how there's a pack and some kind of war going on. It’s a lot, but she said you’d be able to help me like you’ve been helping her.”

Denzel looks back and forth between Elara and Laith. “So you both want to join the Shadowgrace pack?”