Phoebe nodded. “It must be something important.”

“Oh, yes. Well, to our family at least,” Evie mumbled. “It might… change a lot of things, but nothing is really certain for now. He already promised he would look into it though…”

The he she is referring to must be the Duke of Ashton.

Alice looked at Evie in concern, but she could sense that the younger lady was not willing to be more forthcoming. If it involved something in their family, then perhaps Colin might also want to get involved.

But if the Duke of Ashton is already on the case, then he might also tell him about it… whatever it is.

“A fake betrothal and family secrets resurfacing.” Scarlett grinned. “I would have to say that this must be the most exciting house party I have ever attended! And to think that the activities have barely begun!”

Evie laughed lightly. “Oh, Grandmama will be so happy to hear that. She has been dropping hints and saying that she has a lot planned for all of us. I have to warn you, though—she can certainly be devious!”

“Oh, so that is probably where Colin got that from,” Alice muttered under her breath.

“Grandmama would be even more pleased to hear that, although I doubt my brother would.” Evie giggled.

The four of them spoke for a bit more before Scarlett let out a soft yawn behind her hand. Her eyes fluttered sleepily as she smiled at her newfound friends.

Alice was feeling slightly better, even after all the confusion of Colin’s sudden exit. Truly, there was nothing like the company of true friends to soothe the ache of one’s heart.

“Well then, I suppose it is high time we all retire to our respective rooms,” the redhead announced with a grand smile.

“That is true.” Phoebe nodded. “I heard there will be a picnic tomorrow, and maybe even more games.”

Evie let out a little laugh. After a few minutes of soaking in the camaraderie, she looked to be in much better spirits than when she had first entered Alice’s bedchamber.

“Knowing Grandmama, there are bound to be some games,” she agreed. “I suppose I should get some rest. I would not want to come in last again!”

The other young ladies laughed as they stood up, and Alice accompanied them to the door. Just as she was about to close the door to her bedchamber, Evie managed to lean in.

“Just so you know,” she whispered, “my brother is staying in the rooms right across yours.”

Alice was taken aback. As the head of the household, should he not be occupying the master bedchamber? One would think that he would naturally have the largest suite to himself, since it was his home.

“You have to understand that he does not like staying in the rooms our father used to occupy,” Evie added in a more somber tone. “And most of the rooms in the guests’ wing are already assigned to the other guests.”


The younger lady flashed her a mischievous smile and winked at her. “You may do what you will with that information, Alice. Good night.”

“Err… good night to you, too, Evie.”

After she had closed the door behind her late-night guests, Alice found herself leaning against it, her heart pounding heavily in her chest. Memories of what transpired earlier in the study flooded her with heat, weakening her knees until she sank to the floor. Her hands curled into her nightclothes as she felt warmth rising up to her cheeks.

Colin was staying in the rooms just across her own. Would he come to her after everything was quiet and everyone had left?

She bit her lower lip and shook her head at that. Such fanciful thinking! Even if he was so daring, he would probably not attempt something so scandalous right under his own grandmother’s nose. And with his impressionable sister under the same roof at that!

But then again, they had gone much further than what could be considered proper when they were in his study…

No, Alice decided as she climbed into bed, pulling the covers over her body as she buried her face in her pillow.

He is not coming. You have seen how he all but scampered away just earlier.

Still, her thoughts made for a restless night that had her tossing and turning well past midnight as she glanced at the door countless times, wondering if he would ever walk in.

And if he ever did, what was she supposed to do about it?