“That is unfair.” She folded her arms across her chest, unconsciously pushing her lush breasts up to his hungry gaze. “A betrothal—even a fake one—should cost more than a book.”

“The value of the book in question depends on whom you ask,” he replied easily. “To some, it deserves to be thrown into the flames. Others would appreciate it according to their perverse preferences. Others still desire it because of its rarity.”

Her green eyes darted back to him, and Colin fought the urge to smile triumphantly. He knew she would not relent without a fight, but he could already see her defenses crumbling. It would take only a little more push to get her to agree to his proposal.

She licked her lower lip, her pink tongue darting quickly in a movement that nearly had him groaning before her.

“And if I agree, you will lend me this prized possession of yours?” she asked him hesitantly.

“Of course.” He grinned. “Provided, of course, that you do not take the book outside of the premises of Blackthorn Estate.”

“What? I cannot take it home with me?”

He shrugged his broad shoulders with a dramatic sigh. “Of course, I am well aware of the extremely controversial contents of this book. I cannot, in good conscience, leave it alone in the hands of an impressionable young lady such as yourself…”

He reached out with a finger to trace the side of her face. Her green eyes were wide, her lips slightly parted.

Absolutely ravishing.

He wanted to trace his thumb over those slightly parted lips, to lay his lips on hers and taste them, plunder them…

He shook his head inwardly at such thoughts. The life of a libertine was something he had left in his past, never to be revisited. If it had not been for Evelyn making her bow, he would not even feel compelled to humor the ton with his presence. But his younger sister deserved his support if she was ever to find her happiness in this world. As her older brother, it was the least he could do for her.

“So, what do you say, Lady Alice Barkley?” He smiled softly at Alice, holding his hand out for her to shake. “Have we come to an agreement?”

She looked at his hand and bit her lower lip, unknowingly sending a bolt of pure desire straight to his groin. He sincerely hoped that after his explanation, she would not dare to look down at his crotch once more. Otherwise, how could he explain to her the evidence of his lust?

Well, if she is going to read what she wants to read, she better prepare herself for it, a sarcastic voice whispered in his head.

La Philosophie dans Le Boudoir was not for the faint of heart. He did not think Lady Alice Barkley was a shrinking violet, anyway.

But, oh… how exciting would it be to spend lazy afternoons reading just what might be one of the most sensual books in all of Europe!

“Fine!” she scoffed. Colin watched as if in a daze as her hand shot out to grasp his in a firm handshake. “Thirty days,” she warned him with a dark look. “No more, no less.”

“To the day,” he confirmed.

“And no touching!” she warned him darkly.

Colin looked at her in surprise. “Why not?”

There were countless who would jump at the chance to be touched by him, even in the name of a fake betrothal. Bloody hell, they did not even need an excuse.

“Because you are a Wolf,” she told him primly. “And this is only a temporary arrangement. If this is meant to buy me more time to find a more suitable match, then I cannot have my reputation ruined by you.”

The thought that she was going to be husband-hunting while still technically betrothed to him left a bad taste in his mouth. In fact, it made him irrationally angry, thinking of her in the arms of another man who probably did not know the first thing about pleasing a woman, let alone initiating her to the delights of bedsports.

Besides, that nickname was so ancient that he wondered why it still stuck. Certainly, the ton could be more inventive than that, and he had stayed away from the public eye for more than half a decade already.

“All right,” he acquiesced magnanimously. “I might not agree with the rule, but I shall merely wait for you to beg me to break it.”

She glared at him. “You wish!”

Oh, he wished, indeed! She just had no idea how much.

He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Will that be all, then?”

“Not quite.” She shook her head. “You will let me read the book in all its entirety.”