Unfortunately, his attitude did not match his physical attributes.
A pity, really, but what did that matter to her?
* * *
Colin had never imagined this day would come—the day in which he would marry the woman he loved more than life itself.
As he watched her walking down the aisle on her father’s arm, he felt his heart clench almost painfully in his chest. She was so breathtakingly beautiful that he could scarcely imagine he was actually so fortunate as to be able to marry her.
“Your Grace,” the Marquess of Brandon whispered to him, “I will now hold you accountable for my daughter’s happiness.”
Colin nodded at the older man. “I would rather hurt myself, My Lord.”
The man who was to become his father-in-law in a few more minutes smiled in satisfaction and handed over his daughter’s gloved hand to Colin.
“Be happy, dearest,” he murmured as he pressed a kiss to her cheek through her veil.
“I will, Papa,” Alice replied, her voice choked with tears.
As his hand closed over her lace-clad fingers, Colin felt his chest expand with so much happiness. Slowly, he led her to the altar, where the Archbishop was waiting for them.
They had come such a long way since she first crashed into him in Blackthorn Estate with every intention of stealing a particularly scandalous piece of literature. He had initially thought it a most convenient circumstance and quickly maneuvered the situation to his greatest advantage.
Who would have thought that she would be the woman to claim this heart covered in thorns?
As the Archbishop began the ceremony, he could not help but steal a look at her, his bride. His little lamb. His Alice.
And when she met his gaze with her happy one, he knew that he had found peace at last. But more than that, he had found love.
* * *
The wedding party was concluded with much fanfare, owing to the combined efforts of the Dowager Countess of Wellington and the Marchioness of Brandon.
Ethan had happily clapped a hand on Colin’s shoulder, grinning at him. “I am glad you finally came around, you idiot!” he said with good humor. “Certainly took you long enough!”
“It would have taken him far longer if Daniel had not managed to get his hands on the evidence,” Hudson muttered dryly.
But Daniel simply shook his head. “Technically, it was your sister who found it in the library. I just did the rest of the work.”
Colin turned his gaze to his lovely bride, who was also surrounded by Evie, Phoebe, and Scarlett.
“You must tell me if my brother is being an idiot,” he heard his sister warn Alice. “I shall not countenance it!”
Phoebe laughed at the dark look in the young woman’s eyes. “Evie might be quiet most of the time, but she certainly has a fierce side to her!”
At this, Scarlett only smiled and nodded in agreement. “A woman must, after all, have her own boundaries. Not just anyone can cross them!”
Colin could only shake his head at the sight, but he was happy that the young ladies would give his wife such good, solid advice. It certainly took a strong woman to tame a Wolf, especially one who had been so wounded.
As far as Society weddings go, one might be able to say that this one was a bit rushed. If Colin had his way, he might have obtained a special license from the Archbishop of Canterbury, and that would have been the end of it, but his grandmother was appalled that he even dared to think of such a thing.
“After all the pain you have put dear Alice through, it is only right that you should hold the grandest wedding that any Duke of Blackthorn has ever managed!” she scolded him.
Colin, duly chastised, saw the error of his ways and happily set about planning what might be the grandest wedding in five Seasons.
Now, as she sat before the vanity in the bedchamber they shared, Alice could not help but be surprised at the sudden shyness that overcame her.
It is not like we have not anticipated our wedding vows.