Page 93 of Julian

Cassia’s cheeks heated with embarrassment. “I don’t know what happened. I blame it on whatever was in the air. I was drugged.”

“Oh sweetheart, we’re just getting started. You seemed to enjoy it.”

“It’s not like that?—”

“Don’t lie, now. Not unless you’re into spankings too. Come to think about it …”

Cassia shot him a wicked smile, but didn’t answer.

“Ah, my kinky chameleon. Very nice. We’re going to have fun exploring.”

Cassia laughed and bit her lip. Jesus, this man was going to kill her. They were a couple of minutes away from looking for demon worshippers and a possible portal to Hell and she was ready to tear off her jeans and jump him.

“Yes. Yes. We are going to have some fun.” Julian laughed.

“Hurry up, you two. You can get busy shagging later. Demon time. Stay focused,” Dominique reminded them.

“I don’t feel anything,” Cassia confessed. “To be fair, I didn’t sense anything that night before I walked inside. But I’m just not feeling anything yet.”

“But there’s something off,” Julian commented. “Listen to the forest. I don’t hear any wildlife. Animals know when there’s bad juju. Maybe someone has used magick to mask the magick. We’ll know more when we get in the house.”

“There he is,” Dominique called back to them.

Greyson walked the perimeter of the sandstone home. Confusion swept through Julian as he studied the large but dilapidated mansion. Vines and weeds flourished around and about the property.

“You sure this is the house? It doesn’t look like anyone lives here,” Greyson said.

“I don’t know what’s happening. It looks like the house, but it’s not the house. The house I saw was well manicured. Beautiful. There’s no way though.” Cassia approached the home and placed her palm against one of the stones. “I can’t feel anything. It’s like it’s dead inside. I don’t know what’s happening. I was just here a month ago. There’s no way it could fall into this condition in that short a time.”

“Was there anything recognizable about it from the outside?” Julian asked. “I know you said you were only there for a short time.”

“I don’t know. I’m shocked. But look, see there, that star … no wait …” Cassia’s stomach tightened in a knot at the sight of her discovery. An inverted pentagram had been carved into one of the stones to the right of the front door.

The Alpha studied her finding, examining the etching. Underneath it the word, ‘PRESTON’ had been engraved.

“No. There’s no way I would have missed that. It simply looked like a barn star that someone got at a flea market. That … that’s …” Cassia shook her head, her mind swirling with confusion.

“A sign of evil.” Julian shrugged.

“Preston was the last name of the woman you spoke with, right?” Greyson asked.

“Sophia Preston. Maybe Thorn was right about them.”

“If they’re conjuring or possibly even controlling a demons, glamouring the house wouldn’t be too difficult,” Julian said.

“I ran a title search on the property and it said it’s been in the same family since 1890. Ambrose Robinson. The last owner was Charles Robinson. 1979. This would explain the state of disrepair.”

“When I searched, it was in foreclosure,” Cassia insisted. “But if someone is trying to hide this place, things can be faked.”

Rafe ran up to the group and transformed. “There’s a root cellar in the back. I think we should check it out. It’s locked. I didn’t want to touch anything else though. You know … just getting my mojo back.”

“Indeed, you have.” Dominique handed him his clothes with a grin.

“You know it.” Rafe winked at her. “Fuck yeah, this feels so good.”

“Wolves.” Greyson rolled his eyes. “I need a vacation.”

“Same, darlin’. Hmm … I think we’re due for a tasty local after this nastiness. I can just imagine it. The air here is so clean. I want one who’s pure. No alcohol or smoking. No drugs. I bet I could find a sweet gym bro in town. Like steak and potatoes on Sundays. Delicious.”