Rafe’s words hit him in the gut. He’d been forced to go into hiding. It wasn’t until recently he’d been freed from the curse.
“This is Idaho. We’re here to relax,” Julian told him. “So yeah. I go for a run. Play a few rounds of golf. I keep to myself and play nice with the humans. You may get away with feeding on a few donors, but that shifting shit while fucking can’t happen.”
“Jesus, Julian.” Rafe shook his head. “Look, I know I’m on the edge but I swear I’m controlling it.”
“There is one thing I demand from you. This is the truth.”
“I say nothing but the truth.”
“You must learn to control yourself for your own safety. There is no other way. You will not survive. I will not allow you to put yourself in danger. Nor will I allow you to hurt humans.”
“I admit I struggled in the beginning, but I have this thing under control now.”
“And that’s exactly why you’re here.”
“Yeah, well, I’m ready to go back to Wyoming.” Rafe shook his head, his jaw tensed in anger.
“I’ve got news for you. Hunter doesn’t want you back right now.”
“He never said that.”
“He shouldn’t have to. You went with Viktor to learn to feed. Greyson brought you here because he senses the ravenous monster within you. Viktor knew. He’s just too busy with his woman.”
“Maybe it’s something you should try—” he smirked.
“Laugh it up, asshole. You’ll either learn how to control yourself around me or not. I’m getting ready to ditch your ass. Let you figure out the world on your own.”
The Alpha’s head snapped to the ancient vampire who’d materialized out of nowhere next to him. Greyson grinned back at Julian.
“What the fuck? You know I fucking hate that.” The Alpha glared at him, a corner of his mouth ticking upward.
“Just keepin’ ya young and spry, Alpha.” Greyson gave a hearty laugh. “Rafe is not going anywhere. He’s too wild to go on his own. We both know it. You are the only Alpha who can train him. You agreed. You gave me your word. You’re going to keep training the wolf.”
“He’s a handful. He almost fucked her as wolf. I could sense it.”
“I had control. He’s worried about nothing,” Rafe told him.
“Come now, Prince Julian. I thought you were some all-knowing wolf. You can’t handle the hybrid?” Greyson asked wearing a broad smile.
“Greyson. Bad, bad granddaddy vampire. So bad ass, he can’t train a wolf.” Rafe laughed. “So you bring me to the middle of nowhere.”
“I’m granting you mercy by leaving you with Julian.” The vampire’s patience began to fade. “Trust me. You don’t want to face the alternative.”
“Jesus, Grey. Lighten up. I’m over the both of you.” Rafe crossed his arms over his chest, leaned back into the seat and propped his feet up onto the side of the limo.
“Looks like you’re having fun, Alpha?”
“I’m not joking about what I said. He almost lost control tonight.” Julian locked eyes with the young wolf until Rafe broke the gaze and stared out the window into the darkness.
“Did he draw blood? Because if he did, that kind of happens with vampires.”
“No, but he was too rough.”
Greyson released an audible sigh. “This will take time. But he will learn. He did well with Viktor. He must learn to harness and hone his power around the likes of you. And Hunter.”
“Maybe you should take him back to Viktor. Perhaps I made a mistake saying yes.”
“No. This is good for you and him. You agreed. You gave me your word.”