Page 113 of Julian

My Alpha.

* * *

Julian sucked a breath as she climaxed, her tight hole contracted around his cock. His mate, both beautiful and adventurous had tempted him like no other. A beautiful wolf, she’d revealed her true nature and his wolf celebrated.

“Fuck yes! Cassia,” he grunted. The sound of flesh meeting flesh sounded as he sank his cock deep inside her. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

As her body shook from her climax, she tightened around his shaft, and Julian lost control, unable to hold back any longer. With a final thrust, he grunted, coming hard, exploding inside her. In an incredibly hot release, pulsating waves of ecstasy ripped through every cell of his being.

Sated, Julian removed himself, and moved to cradle her against his chest. With her body molded perfectly to his, she moaned, her lips brushing his chest. “My Alpha.”

“Meu amor.” He cupped her cheek, gazing into her deep brown eyes that swirled with love and desire. “I love you, my amazing chameleon. I’ve never felt like this before. You are everything to me. Always and forever.”

As his lips pressed to hers, his heart exploded with emotion and love for his mate. With his world complete, the wolf inside him howled in triumph.

The Prince of Wolves celebrated. No longer a lone wolf, no longer rogue, he’d rule his pack with Cassia. Courageous, wild and beautiful, Cassia had been both his savior and his future.

With his Princess at his side, Julian, Prince of Wolves, claimed his rightful place in this world. After a lifetime of running and hiding from evil, Julian reveled in the peace and love his mate had brought to his life. A wolf and a chameleon, their magick would change the world.


Rafe pinned Kellan to the ground, his fangs dripping with blood. Rage tore through the wolf, as he recalled everything that had transpired. During the battle with Asmodeus, Kellan had used glamour to disguise himself. As Rafe launched his final attack against the human, the fae revealed his true nature and opened a portal.

Undaunted, Rafe had launched himself through the gateway, determined to mete out justice. No longer would the diabolical fae continue his reign of terror on the Earth. Not one more person would die from his hands.

Rafe and Kellan had spiraled through the portal into an alternate dimension. They plummeted into a purgatory of souls, not yet Hell but not with the Goddess. In the barren wasteland, Kellan had planned on killing Julian but had miscalculated his own abilities to do so. Instead, the wolf he’d poisoned would deliver the ultimate revenge.

Kellan had underestimated Rafe’s power to survive the journey. Infused with the blood of an Alpha and chameleon, Rafe’s own dominance and strength had escalated. Without thought to his life, the hybrid wolf-vampire had attacked Kellan, with relentless fury. In the desolate alternative universe that the fae had created, he would meet his final death.

Injured by the wolf, Kellan’s maniacal laughter gurgled with blood. Rafe, in the form of his beast, had pinned him to the ground with his paws, growling, refusing to release him.

Rafe shifted to his human form, his fangs dripping with the fae’s blood. No longer did the hellfire poison infect him. Whether it was the magick of the Alpha and chameleon, or immunity built from exposure, Rafe couldn’t be certain. But he no longer suffered the effects of the fae, and retribution for the fae’s crimes were within reach.

“It’s over, Kellan. Lucifer will keep you forever. Enjoy Hell!” Rafe’s fangs sliced through what remained of Kellan’s neck. Vampire, he shredded the flesh until he decapitated the fae, Kellan’s head rolling onto the ground.

The foundation beneath Rafe’s feet tremored as Kellan’s blood drained from his corpse, staining the brown soil black. Rafe reached for Kellan’s head, grasping it by the roots of his scalp and tossed it off the cliff into the belly of the abandoned badlands.

Rafe fell to his knees, his body and mind reeling with the victory of finally killing Kellan, knowing he couldn’t ever hurt someone he loved again. Though the vengeance was sweet, he loathed that the fae had dragged him into a hellish nightmare, a dimension he’d never seen or known.

As he looked over the endless valley of scorched earth, there was no evidence of life. Not a sound or a scent existed in the vast wilderness of purgatory. He looked to the black sky and released a guttural scream of glory and desperation. “Ahhhhh!!!!!”

As if the Goddess herself plucked him out of the wasteland, Rafe disappeared into the ether. As he lost consciousness, he gave in to fate, praying he’d survive.

* * *

“It’s settled. I’ve given you a chance to care for the hybrid. Once again you’ve allowed him to risk his life for others.”

Rafe heard the woman’s voice speak of him. Lost in his dream, he fought to awaken.

“Good on the wolf for killing the fae. Kellan started this nightmare. Rafe nearly died from the cambion,” a familiar male voice commented. Greyson?

“It is time for him to continue his training,” the woman’s voice insisted, her tone serious. “His power is too great to go without the knowledge. He must learn of his destiny. They will come for him again.”

“Feed him. Fuck him. He’ll be fine.” another voice instructed. Viktor?

“The prophesy must be protected. Kellan’s death was predicted. We must keep Rafe safe until he is ready to reign.”

Confusion swept through Rafe as warm skin brushed against his, the scent of a human woman registering in his mind. Lips grazed his neck, fingers exploring his chest. Rafe’s senses awakened, his cock thickened with arousal as a hand moved to his inner thigh. The thirst of the vampire urged him to feed, his fangs descending.