For the first time my ex looked uncomfortable. He shifted from foot to foot and cleared his throat.

“I told them that we split up and that you left,” he said. “Amy called last night and wanted your new contact information but I told her I didn’t know where you’d gone to.”

I glared at him. This just got worse and worse!

“Let me guess—you made it sound like I left you, didn’t you?” I demanded. “You acted like the divorce was all my idea—all my fault! How could you do that to your own kids? I’m practically the only mom they’ve ever known since your first wife doesn’t want anything to do with them!”

He shifted again and frowned at me.

“Chris Junior and Amy are both grown up now. They don’t need you anymore.”

“Just like you don’t need me, is that right?” I was getting so angry now I was actually seeing red. I mean it—it was like a scarlet curtain had dropped over my eyes and I was watching everything through a window stained with blood.

“No, I don’t need you either.” Christopher lifted his chin. “I have a new life now—and a new wife. So I think you’d better go now—we have nothing else to say to each other.”

I still had plenty more to say, but it occurred to me that I was forgetting the whole reason I was there. I had to get the Jewel of Lolth and get back to the Palace. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to get to the point.

“Fine,” I gritted out. “It’s not like I want to spend any more time with you than I have to. Now that I know what a disgusting pig you are, I never want to see you again! I only came over here to get my necklace and then I’ll leave.”

“Your necklace?” He raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “What necklace are you talking about?”

I clenched my hands into fists, my nails biting into my palms.

“You know damn good and well what necklace I’m talking about! The same necklace I’ve worn to every single special occasion since you’ve known me. The one that was found with me when I was a baby. The one you decided to lock up for ‘safe keeping’ and then wouldn’t let me have when you kicked me out!”

My ex kept the slightly confused look on his face, which I knew damn well was an act.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. You didn’t leave anything of value here,” he said loftily.

“Other than the necklace, I completely agree with you,” I snapped.

I was practically growling with frustration and the Thirst was raking my throat with sharp claws. The bloody window I was looking through was getting redder all the time. But still I tried to control myself. I really tried.

“Christopher, I know you have it,” I told him. “Just give it back and I’ll never bother you again.”

Finally, he dropped the confused act.

“No,” he said, looking down his nose at me. “According to the terms of our divorce, anything you left in the house when you vacated the residence belongs to me.”

“That necklace has been with me since I was found as a baby!” I exclaimed. “It’s literally the only thing I have of my heritage!”

“Your heritage?” He gave me a disbelieving look. “What are you talking about? You don’t have any heritage—you’re just an orphan that got left at the fire station because nobody wanted you. You’re acting like you’re some kind of princess or something!”

His words were so hurtful—and at the same time, so on-the-nose—that I didn’t know whether to laugh or scream at him in rage and frustration. But just at that moment, a little blonde girl (who looked more like seventeen than twenty) came around the corner.

“Daddy-bear?” she said, taking Christopher’s arm possessively and nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder. “What’s taking so long? The pizza is getting cold.”

“Sorry, Honey-bunny,” Christopher apologized, never taking his eyes off me. “I’m finishing up now.”

“No, you’re not,” I snapped. “Not until you give me my necklace!”

“Daddy-bear, who is this lady?” The blonde girl’s eyes got wide. “And why is she dressed like that? It’s not Halloween.”

“She’s nobody and there’s nothing to concern yourself with, Honey-bunny,” he said tightly. “Just go back in the other room and wait for me, okay?”

“Well…okay.” The girl shrugged, obviously willing to accept whatever he said.

Just like I always did, I thought. Just like?—