“Princess! Come back!” Sel’s voice called me away again. When I turned to him, he looked worried. “Take me—bite me,” he insisted. “Please—Krynn’s fucking defenseless right now.”

“I won’t hurt him,” I promised, my throat scratchy because it was so dry. “But I’m not sure how to…what to do exactly.”

“Straddle me,” Sel instructed. “Then you can ride me while you drink from me—if you want.”

“Um, no I can’t,” I said, frowning. “You’re way too big. I’ve never had anything even half as big as you inside me!”

“The Thirst will allow you to open,” he told me. “I promise, Princess—once the first drop of my blood hits your tongue, your whole body will bloom. You’ll need to be filled as you drink—the two go hand-in-hand.”

It seemed strange to think I’d be able to take his monstrous cock inside me—especially since I hadn’t had sex in so long, I felt like I was practically a virgin all over again. But he and Krynn hadn’t been wrong yet about the way my new body reacted to things, so I decided to trust him.

I looked for a way to mount up and found that there were footrests on either side of the Quenching chairs. I used one to step up and throw a leg over Sel’s muscular midsection. Then I settled myself down on him—but not taking him in me—not yet.

Instead, I settled so that the length of his cock parted my pussy lips and rubbed against my extra sensitive clit, which was throbbing with need.

Sel groaned and I moaned—I had never felt so hot in my life and that included earlier when he and Krynn had held me between them and pleasured me with their mouths and hands. At that time, I had thought there was no way I could get any more aroused, but it turned out I had been wrong.

I moaned breathlessly as I slid down the length of Seldarin’s long, hot shaft. I was wetter and hotter than I had ever been, so I glided easily on his thickness, rubbing my aching clit against his steel.

“Gods, Princess!” he groaned. “Wish I could rip off these straps and fuck you properly! Want to get you under me and pound that sweet little pussy!”

“Mmm, is that what you want?” I purred. Leaning over him, I let the front of the robe fall open so that my bare breasts were right in his face. “That’s too bad, Sel, because I’m in charge now.”

“Yes, you are, Princess.” His bronze eyes blazed. “So what can I do for you? How can I serve you?”

“Suck me—suck my nipples!” I ordered, still rubbing against him.

“With pleasure,” he growled and then he was sucking my right nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

I moaned as the pleasure rushed through me, but as good as it felt, I had other things on my mind. My throat was dryer than ever and I felt so parched I thought I might die if I didn’t get to drink soon.

I sat up, pulling away from Seldarin. He let my nipple slip from his lips, making no move to stop me. His eyes filled with understanding and he nodded. Slowly, he turned his head.

“Drink, Princess,” he told me, his deep voice slightly hoarse. “Take me—my blood, my seed…even my life are yours to do with as you choose.”

I reached out a finger and traced the thick vein I could see pulsing in the side of his neck, just below his skin. I felt a tingle of electricity as I touched it—almost as though the blood itself was calling to me, begging me to drink it.

Leaning down, I licked his throat, tracing the vein, siding my tongue from his collarbone all the way up to just behind his ear. His skin was salty and delicious and he smelled like lightning and dark, masculine spice.

The big Fae shuddered beneath me but made no move to stop me or to try and shield himself. He was open to me—willing to be bitten. Eager even, if the state of his throbbing cock still pressed between my pussy lips and rubbing against my throbbing clit was any indication.

I became aware that I was hearing a steady thud-thud, thud-thud, thud-thud, which I soon realized must be his heartbeat. I was so attuned to him now that I could hear it—just as I could smell the sweet, coppery scent of his blood pulsing just below the surface of his skin.

My fangs itched horribly and I was thirstier than I had ever been in my entire life. I felt like a man crawling through a desert for days who has finally found an oasis. Finally, I was going to quench the awful Thirst inside me…and satiate the sexual need I felt at the same time. My whole body was throbbing with it—my pussy ached to be filled and my nipples were so tight they hurt. I was one big mass of need.

I set the tips of my fangs against the thick, pulsing vein in Sel’s neck. I was just about to bite down when I heard a little voice in my head whisper,

If you bite him now and drink, you won’t be able to stop. You’ll kill him.

I drew back a little. That wasn’t right—was it? I wouldn’t really kill the big Fae…would I?

Then I remembered Lady Elgiana’s description of what my ancestress had done—how she had murdered everyone at the High Table and sucked them all dry in a matter of minutes. It seemed impossible that I could drain a male as big and muscular as Seldarin like that, but what if I was wrong? What if it was possible and I was just about to do it? What if once I bit him and started sucking, I couldn’t stop? What if?—

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

The harsh voice jolted me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Mordren striding towards me, an impatient look on his perfect face.

“Go on, you little slut—drain him!” he snapped at me. “Suck him and fuck him—that’s what he’s there for!”