Page 66 of Rocky


I blew out a breath, my heart hammering and my chest bursting with warmth. My hand found its way to her cheek, and I dropped my forehead to press against hers. “Peyton.”


“I love you.”

The doors to the room burst open again, and Peyton startled and pulled away from me, turning guiltily towards the entrance. I turned too, watching as the dark-haired girl I’d seen come visit Peyton at the clubhouse a few days ago ran in, dragging Nolo behind her.

I noted, with a blank sort of surprise, that her fingers were interlocked intimately with my son’s, and remained that way even when the two came to a stop before us.

“You’re alive!” the girl panted, before flinging one arm around Peyton’s neck. “Oh my god, Peyton, you’re alright!”

“Lisa,” Peyton said shakily, her voice small, “what are you doing here?”

“I was with Nolan when he got a call about your abduction, and then Rocky flying off after you without a plan or any backup.”

“You were with Nolan, huh?” She sent a meaningful look at their still intertwined fingers, brows raised, and Lisa blushed and let go of my son.

“Uh, yeah, about that…” She reached over and took Peyton’s hand in place of Nolo’s. “Excuse us, boys, we need to have a chat in private, and I think you do too.”

And then she tipped her headed towards the door. I took the hint and stepped out, with Nolo on my heels.

A long, awkward silence filled the corridor.

“So, uh, you and that pretty brunette are a thing?”


Nolan wasn’t looking at me. His shoulders were stiff, his gaze on the ground, and although his face was turned firmly away from mine, I could see a deep crease between his brows.

A cold, sinking dread weighed down through me. Had he seen the way I was holding Peyton just now? I was reminded of all the moments I’d wondered whether he knew what was going on between his ex and me, and I clenched my fists.

“That’s good.” Oh god, I sounded like an idiot. I cleared my throat. “She’s pretty.”

“You said that already.”

He still wouldn’t look at me. What the fuck was I supposed to say? Well, now that you’re fucking someone new, you don’t care anymore if I have a go at the redhead, right?

Jesus fuck.

All that heartbreak I’d put Peyton through, just to avoid this moment.

But I’d ended up falling for her anyway, and here I was with my son, having hurt him all the same.

I am well and truly emotionally fucked up, I confirmed to myself as I stared at my boy and didn’t know what to say. I hope to god he doesn’t take after me.

I opened my mouth to speak, dug my nails into my palms, and snapped my lips shut again. Nolo sighed before me and looked down the corridor as if he was about to walk out.

I could let him. He might walk out of here, and I could let him go, and we could never speak of it.

But then where would that leave me? And it wasn’t just me and Peyton and Nolo to think about now, there was a baby. A baby…

My jaw worked, but my lips didn’t part. Nolo began to walk away.


He stopped mid stride and turned to look at me. His face was clear of expression.