Page 48 of Rocky

And the best part? She kissed me back. She didn’t fight me, didn’t fight this thing between us. She leaned into me, pressed her heavy tits and hard nipples against my chest and moaned into the kiss. Relief coursed through me at the ferocity of her kiss, the way she clawed at me like she felt it too, that it had been too long since we were together like this, where nothing else mattered.

I want this. The thought danced through my mind, and I deepened the kiss, devoured her so she would know that I wanted her, needed her badly.

Why the fuck did I think I could stay away from her?

The sound of gunshots rang out, three quick bursts followed by five more and before I knew it, I was pulling back from the kiss and shoving Peyton behind me, using my body as a shield.

“You good?”

Her breathing was shallow as I held her against my back, but I felt her nod.

I pulled my gun out and looked over my shoulder at Peyton. “Stay here.”

She nodded again and I took off, out of the room and into the clubhouse where Ellie and the club bunnies were on the ground, and Gio was on top of Ellie’s son, shielding his entire little frame while Chopper growled in warning from beside them. The front door was closing, half of my brothers already outside and the other half heading for the exit.

“What the fuck happened?” The question went to no one in particular.

“Don’t know yet,” Slate said from my left. “Let’s go check it out.”

I nodded, took a deep breath, and headed for the exit. The parking lot was empty aside from bikes and MC vehicles. There was no sign of who shot at the club, but in the distance, there was the telltale sound of about half a dozen motorcycles roaring away.

“Who the fuck was that?” Diesel’s question rang out ominously, echoing the question that was on all of our minds.

Chapter 24


I was back at Rocky’s place. Why? Because the universe was a cruel bitch and determined to show off what I couldn’t have. I didn’t want to be here, not with the taste of him still lingering on my lips and tongue. But someone shot up the club, and even though no one had said anything directly to blame me for what happened, he’d hauled me back here tonight with a steely determination that I couldn’t fight against. Especially since the minute I’d shown up at the clubhouse, bullets went flying through the windows. He was probably trying to protect all the innocent people who stayed there from whatever bad luck I dragged around with me, and who was I to stop him from doing that?

It’s what he did, after all. Protect people.

He’d left for a few hours to go and ‘deal with some shit’ basically as soon as he’d dropped me off here, and I wondered if he would stay away until I fell asleep so he wouldn’t have to see me.

So I sat in the middle of the bed with my legs crossed and thought about my life, feeling sorry for myself. Some life, I snorted, staring at the positive marker on the pregnancy test.

I was pregnant and single and jobless. That’s right, jobless, according to an email from my former employers.

It was official, I had nothing. Nope, I had less than nothing, because after that kiss tonight? The one just before the gunshots? After that, I realized suddenly and pathetically that I was in love with Rocky.

Pathetic, huh?

I had no job. No man. No future. Nothing but me and a baby on the way. A secret baby on the way because there was no way in hell I could tell Rocky, not when he didn’t even want anyone to know about what had happened between us. This baby was my secret the same way I was Rocky’s secret. How was that for irony?

A knock on the bedroom door startled me. My heart raced even though I knew it was Rocky. I guess he was back, now, after all. “Yeah?”

The door opened and there he was, big and handsome and worried about me. It would’ve made me swoon if it wasn’t so damn sad.

“Hey.” His greeting was low and deep, with a hint of uncertainty.

“Hey yourself. What’s up?”

“You made dinner.” His dark brows crinkled.

“I did. Problem?”

“No,” he sighed. “You made dinner, but you didn’t eat. As far as I can tell, you haven’t eaten all day.” I opened my mouth to argue, but his gaze narrowed. “No dirty dishes and nothing in the trash, so don’t lie to me, Peyton. You might love cooking, but you also love leaving dishes in the sink until just before bed.”

I snapped my lips shut.