I nodded. “I’ll send the number to Slate so he can get a head start on tracing it.”
“Peyton,” I began, but I had no fucking clue what I wanted to say.
“I think you should take this box and I’ll stay here. I can clean what I can, maybe get some of my deposit back, and figure out what to do next.”
“Fuck that. You are not staying here, so don’t even fucking think about it.”
She wanted to argue with me, I could see the fire brewing in her eyes, but then she said, “You’re right. It’s crazy.”
“I should stay at the clubhouse. There are always people there and I’ll be safe. Right?”
I frowned, and everything in me rebelled against the idea of her being anywhere but directly at my side. “You’ll be safer with me.”
But the look on her face told me otherwise.
Chapter 20
“We both know that’s not true,” I shot back, and darted from my bedroom with the shoebox in my hand. “It’s either here or the clubhouse, Rocky. Your choice.”
My lips twitched at the angry growl he released as I shoved on his spare helmet and tucked my hair away out of sight. But he didn’t say anything, and neither did I. We made it outside with all the trash bags in one go—because he insisted on holding most of them even when I tried to tug more out of his hands. We were greeted on the curb by a few of his biker buddies, who were waiting with a pickup truck.
“Thanks for your help, fellas,” Rocky grunted, as he threw them all in the back.
“No problem. Anything for a brother.” Gio winked at me and then Rocky.
I handed Slate the phone, then asked him, “Can I ride with you guys?”
“No,” Rocky grunted.
“Sure thing,” Gio answered louder, a wide, teasing grin on his face.
So I immediately jumped into the back of the truck while the men argued about whatever it was that bikers argued about amongst themselves. If I couldn’t stay at my apartment, the clubhouse was the next best option, and since Rocky wasn’t being reasonable, I would try my luck with the residents of the MC.
“This isn’t over,” Gio said as he slid behind the steering wheel, and Slate got into the passenger side.
“What isn’t?” I pulled off my helmet as we took off, and Gio shrugged.
“I dunno, whatever the fuck is going on between you and my dumbass brother.” He took a turn way too quickly, tossing me a grin over his shoulder as I slid across my seat. “You two look like you’ve been fighting, and suddenly you wanna stay at the clubhouse instead of with him? I dunno what he did, probably something incredibly stupid. But he’ll come around to his senses, he always does.”
I rolled my eyes and threw his dumbass brother’s helmet onto the seat beside me. “Sure.”
Rocky made his choice, and the longer we lived together in his house, the more likely it was that he’d hate me for ‘making’ him hurt his son.
My heart kicked against my chest when we pulled up to the clubhouse and found a police car parked in the lot. “What’s going on?”
“Let’s go find out,” Slate said, just as Rocky opened my door.
Inside the clubhouse, Sheriff Cross was huddled with Diesel, who waved over Slate and Rocky, leaving me with the affable Gio.
“Are these going to my brother’s house?”